This week I celebrate my 28th birthday. Along the way I have experienced loss, joy, friendship, family, love, hate, disgust, accomplishment and gratitude.
I have loved and been loved. I have hurt and been hurt. I have spoken up when I should have and I have remained silent when I shouldn’t have! Inspired by my wife’s article, I thought I would share the 28 things I know for sure at 28:
You are the only one who is in control of how you feel.
Everyone has leadership potential but only a select few harness it.
The most powerful weapon on the planet is your voice and the most powerful ammo are your actions.
A marriage will work when you communicate often and remain intimate with your best friend.
The bigger the dream, the bigger the reward!
“Many people die at 25 but don’t get buried until they are 75.” – Ben Franklin
“If you are not having fun you are not doing it right.” – Jay Nodine
Do what you can while you can.
90% of the problems you have are 100% related to how well you communicate!
Don’t let one thing, ruin the whole thing.
Success is a feeling, not a destination.
Success is not about looking good, it’s about doing good.
It’s very easy to learn, its very difficult to do.
Those who are really good at what they do, really care about what they do.
“It’s not about living forever, it’s about creating something that will.” – Chuck Palahniuk
Who you were is not who you have to be.
How you practice is how you play.
You can’t make more money until you know how to manage the money you already have.
Giving 10% of your income will help feed your soul.
Before anyone else is going to believe you, you have to believe you.
An awesome way to make your business successful, is to make your family successful first.
It’s the dreamers who take action that change our world.
At your age, what is one thing that you know for sure? Comment below and share this article with others if you agree with one of the above. Let’s learn from one another and see what advice we can get from others! Thanks for reading and as always…
Dream BIG,
Ryan, Ryan, Ryan … I oh-so-enjoyed reading through your list of “28 things (you) know for sure at 28” … You are a clever fellow. That said, I had to chuckle for just last week I celebrated my 58th birthday and wondered … Do I have 58 things for which I am so confident and sure?
It seems that the older I get the fewer things I am so absolutely sure about. Now I’m not certain that this is because of early on-set memory loss or if as we age we mellow. Now as for my favor quote or thought: “I have loved and (thank God, I’m still being) loved.”
Keep up the good work. You are wise beyond your years. I see now why you’re a champion.
Thank you so much John. That is a great feeling to know you have loved and been loved. So many people don’t get to experience that in life and I feel blessed to have experienced it as well! Thanks for your comment and following the journey! I am looking forward to sharing more!
Absolutely one of the best news lineups around, going beyond the obvious and the fluff to expose real life experience. My Favourite is still “How you practice is how you play.” Keep up the masterful work!
Thank you Emoke! Glad you like the list and hope you are doing well!