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Two years ago today, with help from my mentors, coach, family and friends, I became the youngest World Champion of Public Speaking in history.

I have since learned that being a full-time speaker is the best job in the world. You get to travel, make a difference, and earn an income doing something you love.

During these past 730 days I have learned a lot of lessons through many mistakes, trials and error. Five lessons, which include:

1)   You are as good as your last accomplishment: What are you doing today, to be better tomorrow?

2)   You can’t make everyone happy: No matter how good you are, there will always be people who do not like you and people who will. Whom do you want to invest your energy towards?

3)   You have the power to empower people: Your voice carries weight! What you choose to say or not say can make a difference in someone’s life. What are you doing to make sure you are using your voice to empower those around you?

4)   You have a lot more to learn and do: Once you start thinking you are good, you aren’t even close to being great. What can you learn, what can you do, and whom can you meet to help you reach new heights?

5)   What you do with your achievements are up to you: Can you name the last five winners of American Idol? They each had 10,000,000+ people a night watching them sing. Where are they now? The only excuse we have is ourselves!

Remember: You are not successful when you become a world champion; you are successful when every day you train like one.

What are you doing to be the best at what you do? It doesn’t mean you have to be the best today–it means you are working towards being the best one day! Let’s keep making things happen and learn more, do more, and always…

Dream BIG,

Ryan Avery

Author Ryan Avery

Hi, my name is Ryan Avery! Over the last decade I have dedicated my life to learning, practicing and sharing how we can Go From A to THE® in everything we do! Thank you for following along.

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Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • I loved that day. I remember being really sunburned from bailing out on events on Friday to take my daughter and granddaughter to see the Princesses at Disney. it was worth the wait. I sat in the 3rd row stage right and loved every minute. I also saw your semi-finals speech.

    What amazed me is that you had Heather and I touch that trophy. Wow. I also knew if I wanted you to speak at my conference I had to make a connection with Chelsea. I am so glad to know both of you. Oh yes, and I have the pictures to prove both of those comments!

  • Diane Allen says:

    LOVE this: You are not successful when you become a world champion; you are successful when every day you train like one.

  • Ryan Avery says:

    I am so glad we have turned into friends Kim! It is crazy to think about how different your life can be in two years! 🙂

  • Rich Hopkins says:

    Great lessons – for all of us – champions and aspiring champions alike – particularly no. 2.

  • Ryan Avery says:

    Thanks Rich! Looking forward to hearing you speak this week!

  • Thanks Ryan, very useful advices!!!. I feel your words very honest and I lite your humility. Is really inspirational.

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