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I had coffee with a friend of mine who is becoming a successful writer and has been challenging me to be a better blogger.

At our meeting I set a goal to have 500 subscribers to my blog by October 31st. I have grown my email list (4,500 people), but have neglected to promote my writings and build my subscription on this blog.

At present, 122 subscribers receive my weekly articles. I want to reach more people with my writing. So, let’s create a win-win situation.

For those subscribed to this blog before October 31st, I will provide a private webinar training exclusively for you. I will not post it on my blog, or send it out in my newsletter. It will only be for those subscribed to this blog.

I will present the webinar live in November. If you cannot attend the live webinar, I will have it recorded and sent to you to make sure you get the materials.

Can you help me reach my goal of 500 subscribers? If you enjoy my writing and advice on public speaking and leadership, I would love to have you stick around, interact with me, and receive these tips on a weekly basis.

You can subscribe in the top right hand corner of this page. I hope you will join me and be part of a community where we plan for tomorrow and take advantage of today! As always…

Dream BIG,

Ryan Avery

Author Ryan Avery

Hi, my name is Ryan Avery! Over the last decade I have dedicated my life to learning, practicing and sharing how we can Go From A to THE® in everything we do! Thank you for following along.

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