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Ryan and Chelsea Avery

Get The Map. Join The Journey. Accomplish a BIG Dream!

By Motivation 2 Comments

Chelsea and I are so excited to announce our new project that will help people around the world accomplish their BIG dreams!

We have put together a free resource for you called, The Map to Dreaming BIG. It is a one page formula that shows you how to get started on your big dream, maintain motivation and finish strong!

It is an amazing feeling to see something we have been working on for so long come to life and I am so proud of what we are doing.

I am proud because for almost a decade I have been reminding people to Dream BIG and now, I am doing more than telling, I am showing people how they too can accomplish their BIG dreams! I am proud because I get to do this with my wife and I feel proud because I have found another BIG dream that fits my core values and helps others in the process!

You can download the Map for free now and find out what our next BIG dream is and how you can be a part of it!

In addition to the Map, we have a series of unique webinars scheduled in 2015 where we show you how to take your big dream and make it real. The webinars are going to be awesome (yes I said awesome) and filled with tangible insights, strategies and stories to help us become more successful.

Plus, we have built an online community for people to join for those who encompass the “Dream BIG Mindset.” In this community, we provide resources to keep you on track by offering proven strategies for accomplishing a BIG dream!

We hope you get the map, join us on the journey and take part in the community because the world needs more dreamers and doers than ever before!

Remember, it’s the dreamers who take action that change the world! As always…

Dream BIG,


Ryan Avery's Business Card

How to Accept a Business Card in China

By Motivation No Comments

In the United States, we often quickly whip out our business card, hand it over with one hand and watch the recipient place it directly in their pocket without barely looking at it! This is the opposite of what you want to do while you are in China.

There is etiquette to giving and receiving a business card.

First: When giving a business card, always hand over the card with two hands touching the top corners and handing it over to them where they can read your name (as shown in the above image).

Second: When receiving a business card make sure to grab the bottom with two hands, review it, look at it for a second or two. Then provide at least one compliment about them, their position or the card itself.

Third: Don’t place the card in your back pocket or any place that would indicate you do not care about the card. If you put it in your front pocket, or suit jacket or wallet, make sure you are looking at the card when you are placing it there to show them you care about it and will follow up shortly.

Here is a quick tip that can make a big difference when you are doing business the next time you are in China or working with someone from China. Keep using your voice to make a difference and as always…

Dream BIG,

Ryan Avery - Worst People to Sit Next to on a Plane

The Absolute 5 Worst Types of People to Sit Next to on a Plane

By Adventure 10 Comments

This week I have been on ten planes. I like to travel and every time we take off, I still enjoy the thrill of flying and being 30,000+ feet in the air!

However, whether you travel a little or a lot or whether you like planes or not, there are certain people that are horrible to sit next to.

These are the five worst types of people to sit next to on a plane and how to deal with them (yes, I have experienced them all):

The Bloody Nose
I am ready for my three-hour flight to the East Coast and as the first wheel leaves the ground, the guy’s nose next to me turns on like a bloody faucet. His blood starts splashing all over his shirt, legs and no one has a napkin! I am freaking out because I can’t stand blood but also trying not to make this guy feel embarrassed. This is the worst of them all for me!

How to deal with it: ALWAYS carry a napkin with you. Now in my computer bag, I have several napkins just in case this ever happens again I can assist the person sitting next to me and avoid any blood splatter on my pants!

The Electric Shaver
As I close my eyes to try to get some sleep during my red-eye flight, I hear that familiar “buzzzzzz” go right next to me and see my good ol’ seatmate is shaving his scruff on the plane! Are you serious? I kept finding little black hairs on my pants the entire trip! Not cool man, not cool.

How to deal with it: I wish I could tell you I said something, but truthfully I was so shocked and was processing what this guy was thinking that I couldn’t say anything. I literally was speechless. Next time this happens however, I will be ready to politely ask the man (or hairy lady) to wait to do that in the bathroom because I don’t wont their little hairs all over my bag and pants!

The Horrible Breath
I can take bad breath sometimes but not the constant flow of it in my face from the energetic person who wants to tell you their entire life story in two-hours. When you are sitting on a plane, you are pretty close to each other. Make sure you check your breath every now and again!

How to deal with it: Have a variety of mints and gum with you to offer them. Make it look like you want a piece first. I pop one into my mouth and then ask “would you like some gum or a mint?” this has worked 90% of the time because most people don’t like to say no and they enjoy the satisfaction of scoring a free piece of candy!

The One With BO
Oh you know what I am talking about. The one who you can smell two seats up and the one who smells like they shower using man sweat, sock juice and small bits of sewer water! The one who you try to avoid at all cost because you don’t want to get a headache from their bad odor body fumes!

How to deal with it: If it is a long flight and there are open seats, I asked to be moved. This might sound rude or mean, but this one I don’t deal with. I didn’t spend hundreds of dollars to sit next to someone who smells like they just worked out and rolled around in dirty laundry. Make sure to do it politely and go back to tell the flight attendant what is going on.

The Sick One
Whether they are throwing up their stomach or have a contagious cold, sick people should not be allowed on the plane. I am serious. You are risking infecting everyone else! If you know you are sick AND contagious, please don’t fly!

How to deal with it: Repeat the “How to” step under “The One with BO” plus make sure to carry a packet of E-mergency, travel sized Purell and wash your hands immediately when you step off the plane.

These are the five worst people that I have sat next to on the plane. What is your least favorite and are there other types of people I am forgetting? Let me know down in the comments below.

Enjoy your next flight and may you sit next to someone who does not have a bloody nose, already shaved before they got on the plane, who has minty fresh breath, smells well and is healthier than Popeye! As always…

Dream BIG,

Ryan Avery with James C Humes

Advice from Public Speaking’s Most Prolific Author

By Motivation, Uncategorized 4 Comments
Holding each other's books!

Holding each other’s books!

Have you ever met one of your heroes in person? Had the chance to sit down and talk with them for an afternoon? I am happy to say I got that chance recently when I met Mr. James C. Humes, one of the world’s greatest orators and authors.

His books inspire, his life-story motivates and his ability amazes me. In fact, his books are the major reason why I fell in love with the art of communication and wanted to dedicated my life to helping people improve their communication skills. Reading his books gave me the motivation in a major way to write Speaker, Leader, Champion with Jeremey Donovan.

His firm handshake, pink and blue bow tie and lion-gaze eye contact intimidated me at first. He lived up to the person I had envisioned in my mind. Randy Harvey introduced me to Mr. Humes’ books when I was training for the World Championship. Randy gave me a copy of one of Humes’ books “

Here are the framed front covers for most of the books Mr. Humes has written!

Here are the framed front covers for most of the books Mr. Humes has written!

Mr. Humes has spoken in all 50 states, more countries that I could keep count and he was a speech writer for Nixon, Ford, Regan and Bush Senior. He wrote the words on the plaque that Neil Armstrong placed on the moon during the first landing! He has written more than 40 books and learned from Winston Churchill! He told me, “Meeting Churchill was like meeting Caesar or Napoleon, it was like shaking hands with history. Best advice Churchill gave me was to study history because in history lies the secrets to statecraft (government)!” 

He’s the real deal and as professional speakers, he is one many of us look up to.

His home is like an American Museum with oil paintings hanging on the walls, vintage books that line the floor and his entry way table is a chest from Christopher Columbus dating back to 1501. It was an honor to meet Mr. Humes and during our time together I was able to get to know him and his lovely wife.

I asked why he has dedicated decades of his life to the art of communication. He paused, looked at me and said “Speech is power…” and proceeded to tell me about how Winston Churchill used his words to inspire a nation and as he spoke, reminiscing on the words of Churchill, he ended by saying “… words are the difference between defeat and survival.”

He is right! There is nothing more powerful than speech! Why wouldn’t you want to master the art of speaking?

I am thankful I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Humes as he is someone I very much look up to. Just listening to his stories, being allowed in his home and learning from him was a top ten moment for me. He offered me advice for the next time I talk on stage and shared the three elements of what it takes to make a great speech:

You Need A Great Man (or Woman)
Someone willing to step up when times are tough. Someone who is willing to speak out on issues they believe in. Someone who is willing to use their voice to make a difference. The world is full of great men and woman we just need more of them to use their voice to help our world! A great man or woman will not be made overnight. You need trials and tribulations, you need failures and a sprinkle of success stories- you need to experience life. All of the things that have happened and are happening in your life, prepare you to be a better person, to be a stronger man and a capable leader.

You Need A Great Occasion
There are only a few opportunities in life for a great man or woman to deliver a great speech because there are few great occasions. But look for them. Reach out and ask to be the speaker. Reach out and see what you can do to get yourself on stage, in front of that microphone and during the next great occasion. Think of how you can be remembered for the words you say.

Ryan Avery and Toastmasters and James HumesYou Need Great Eloquence
You can borrow the eloquence from someone by sharing their story and how they handled the situation. Think of great leaders of our time and how they were able to handle the situations given to them. Remember to share stories that make a point, pause to let the audience soak in what you are saying and end with what Humes likes to say a “Soul Shaker!” (inspirational story). 

It took time, digging and a lot of research to be able to get in touch with Mr. Humes but it was worth every minute! Take the time this week to look over who inspires you, who motivates you and who you look up to. Reach out to them and come up with a list of questions to ask when you two meet. Your heroes are out there and they are willing to meet with you if you only ask! Remember to use your voice to make a difference and as always…

Dream BIG,

P.S. If you could interview one person this week, who would it be?

Ryan Avery - The Choices You make

4 Ways to Reflect on Going Back

By Family & Personal Life 2 Comments

This week I am in Fort Collins, CO at Colorado State University (CSU) to meet with campus and community members to help break the World Record on April 15th.

It feels like I am walking in a futuristic Twilight Zone as I cross the same streets and enter the same buildings I did when I was an undergrad here more than five years ago. New architecture, same professors and I swear these students look way younger than they did when I went to school here!

I have lived so much in the past five years and hands down without the experience I gained, knowledge I developed and people I met at CSU I would not be where I am today. As happy as CSU made me it feels strange to be back and reflect on the roller coaster ride college was.

I caught myself feeling several emotions as I walked campus and remembered the really good and extremely difficult times I spent here. As I started reflecting I wanted to make sure my thoughts were not, “Ahh.. I miss those days.” but rather, “Ahh… I am so glad I had those days.” Yes… even the tough ones, the really tough ones!

Next time you are feeling mixed emotions and visiting your past, here are five ways you can reflect on your life in a positive light:

1) Give thanks you were able to make that memory: That memory made you. Good or bad, memories help shape who you are and help you make decisions today. Give thanks for being able to make memories that many will never experience!

2) Give thanks you are able to remember that memory: As my grandmother is forgetting more and more everyday, I am reminded that even if the memory is positive or negative, the power of being able to bring that memory back to life is a gift to be thankful for. Use it to your advantage and focus on the

3) Think of those you still have in your life from that experience: Is there someone you met or who changed your life during that experience? Someone you use as inspiration to live a better life. Someone who pushes you to be stronger, more successful… maybe even a little sweeter! Be thankful you were able to experience their energy!

4) Think of the decisions you made because of the decisions you made: I noticed this post today on my friends Facebook, “As looking back on my life, I realize every time I  thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.”  Every decision you made gave you something in return and the choice is up to you on the way you view it. Make it positive and remember we control our own life.

Whether you are going back to your college, school or a hometown there were good and bad things that happened to you while you were there. Those things made you who you are today. Reflect on why your future will be better because of your past decisions, interactions and memories made! As always…

Dream BIG,
Ryan Avery

Today’s Question: What one memory are you thankful for (good/bad) that shaped you into the person you are today?
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Make Things Happen With Ryan Avery

GIVEAWAY: What Are You Doing to Make Things Happen?

By Leadership, Motivation 23 Comments

I am excited to be launching my new website, This blog will focus on articles that enhance our life, improve our communication and identify what it takes for us to be more successful.

As many of you know, my tagline is “Dream BIG.” About five years ago I had someone say… “Yeah Ryan, we know you are a dreamer but what are you doing to make those big dreams come true?”

Ever since then I am reminded everyday that you can’t just dream, you have to act! You have to put the work in. You have to think BIG and start small but remember if we can’t dream it, there is no way we can achieve it!

So… “What are you doing to #MakeThingsHappen in your life?” 

What goals do you have? What dreams are you working towards? What are you doing today and everyday to make sure you are living the life you want?

Today’s GIVEAWAY: Leave a comment below before February 11th at 12pm PST and two lucky winners will receive a signed copy of my new DVD Push Past It! 

I am looking forward to continuing to provide content that will help us be stronger communicators, leaders and more successful. Leave your comment below, stick around and subscribe for more articles. Enjoy the start of your week and as always…

Dream BIG,

Ryan Avery

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