100+ Letters Later

After writing more letters than I can count, I am finished with the letters you requested to help me train for the World Record on April 16th. You rock!It has been an experience, I have spent way more money than I thought I would ever spend on postage and I enjoy when people post on my wall they received their letters! I still have one month to train for the World Record and for those of you would like a letter, I am going to write ten more to those who have not already received one.How you enter!1) Share this post with your family or friends via at least one social media network where you tag Ryan Avery or @AveryToday2) Send me your address via email at info@averytoday.comI will send ten letters to the first ten people who email me and share this article! Can't wait to keep producing letters and thank you to everyone who sent in their addresses and let me write them! Y'all are amazing. Keep enjoying your week and as always...

Dream BIG,RyanP.S. If you still need to register for the World Record, make sure to do so today and break a world record with us on April 16th and be part of history! 


Home with a Holocaust Survivor


One Month Countdown