Chelsea’s Quotes - Volume II

The tradition continues! Here are the top quotes from Chelsea these past few weeks with a giveaway at the end!“I wish Sugar had thumbs so she could get me water!”In relation to Sugar being our dog and that being the reason why she wish she had thumbs!“OMG. It was one lick and it was adorable.”In relation to me walking in our apartment and Chelsea was using my computer while Sugar was licking the screen more than once!“I should have known that was calamari and not an onion ring!”In relation to us being at a seafood restaurant and them bringing out appetizers and Chelsea’s not being happy that she tried the calamari.“It’s because you are loud and have a girly voice!”In relation to me saying, “I feel like a lot of people are looking at me right now.”“I hope if you ever become a pop star you ask me to be in your music videos.”In relation to her randomly saying this to me while we were taking a walk!"I don't know what is happening over there but it could make me cry!"In relation to a family hugging at the airport and my wife being overly emotional! “I am really jealous your Aunt gets to spend time with your parents this weekend and be on the beach and eat your mom’s cooking and have your mom and dad pay for things!”In relation to it being true that when we are with my parents they do spoil us with love, food and fun little surprises!“You can just say goat cheese. No one will judge you.”In relation to us being at a fancy restaurant and me not being able to pronounce chèrve.“I just want everyone to know how good I am at lip syncing. I mean I even made my parents sit and watch me lip sync in the living room to Titanic-that’s how good I am!”In relation to her being 100% serious!GIVEAWAY: Which one is your favorite? Leave a comment below and automatically be entered to win a free download of REFLECTIONS ($27). As always…Dream BIG,



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