How to Stop Caring and Comparing
Without a doubt, my biggest struggle in moving forward and becoming more successful is figuring out how to stop caring what people think about me and how to stop comparing myself to others.This might sound easy for some; but for me, it’s been my largest obstacle.I can receive 100 emails a week: 95 amazing ones and five “not so friendly” ones. Out of all of those emails -- which ones do you think I dwell upon the most? Sometimes, I am good at letting the bad ones go, but not every time.I can speak in front of 200 people, rock the keynote to get a standing ovation, and be invited back to speak the next year, but then have one person come up to me and say, “Your style is way too much for me, and I don’t like it.” What do you think I think about most? Sometimes, I can let the negative comments slide, but not every time.I have been blogging for over five years now and working to grow relationships with my readers. It has been paying off, but I see other speakers--who haven’t been blogging for as long as I have--claim 100,000 followers! I can't help but wonder: What am I doing? Where am I slacking? Why am I not there, yet?As the saying goes by Roosevelt, “Comparison is the thief of joy!” I am tired of living my life like this. I know I am capable of so much more! I must stop caring what people think and stop comparing myself to others. So, this weekend I decided to do something about it. I took time to define what success looks like to me and to figure out a solution to stop comparing myself to others.
In order to stop comparing ourselves to others, we need to first understand what makes us happy and feel successful. I needed to define what success looks like for me.After some long walks, workout sessions, and coaching from my wife, I found my current definition of success: I am successful if I can do what I want, when I want, and with whom I want! As long as I can say this everyday, it doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing because I am living a successful life.What is your definition of success? Work hard to identify it! Identifying what success looks like to you is a first step in overcoming the tendency to compare yourself to others.I haven’t mastered this, yet. I still need to work on not caring what others think of me, and I would really like to hear from you. I began this blog to help us all become better speakers and leaders. I hope I am not the only one who feels like this. So, let’s start a conversation: How do we stop caring about what others think of us? How can we stop comparing ourselves to others?Leave a comment below, or start a conversation on a social media outlet. Let's help each other out.Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas. As always…Dream BIG,Ryan