Leaders Are More Than Readers - We Are Learners

Leaders Are More Than Readers - We Are Learners

As leaders, it’s easy to buy into the idea that "leaders are readers." While reading is undoubtedly a powerful tool for growth, great leaders don't simply consume knowledge—we internalize, adapt, and apply it in our unique contexts. For me, knowledge is not power, APPLIED knowledge is power! Learning happens in a lot of ways, and the best leaders understand that every insight, whether gleaned from a book, a conversation, or an experience, has the potential to transform their thinking and actions.Two books that I have read this year that embody this principle are Ryan Holiday’s Right Thing, Right Now and Michael Neill’s The Inside-Out Revolution (Thank you to Jenn and Chelsea for the recommendations). For me, both offer profound insights for leaders who seek to elevate our influence and impact—not through the accumulation of knowledge alone, but by learning and embodying the principles of purposeful action and transformational thinking.

Book 1: Ryan Holiday’s Right Thing, Right Now

Ryan Holiday has become one of my favorite authors over the last few years. I would consider him a modern Stoic philosopher of sorts and with his books he asks us to focus on the present moment and the choices directly in front of us. Right Thing, Right Now emphasizes the importance of clarity and decisive action in a world often overwhelmed by distraction and overthinking through the eyes of people who have done a lot of good things in our world. Holiday argues that doing the right thing doesn’t require perfection or heroism but instead demands consistent alignment with our core values.

Key Insights for Leaders From The Book

  1. Action Over Analysis-Some leaders often struggle with analysis paralysis, overthinking strategies and delaying decisions. Holiday’s book reminds us that action breeds clarity. Rather than waiting for the "perfect time," leaders should focus on making ethical, value-driven choices with the information they have today and align with their own personal style. BE YOU!

  2. The Power of Simplification-Complexity can cloud vision. Holiday champions the virtue of simplicity—cutting through the noise and honing in on what truly matters. For leaders, this means prioritizing tasks that align with long-term goals and delegating or discarding the rest. I recommend reading "To So Love The World" Chapter on page 222.

  3. Persistence in Adversity-Holiday leans on the Stoic principle that obstacles are opportunities in disguise. As leaders, we can reframe setbacks as moments to practice resilience and creativity, turning challenges into stepping stones toward growth. For me I know this, however to read what others have gone through and have done with their setbacks, help me embody this more.

Book 2: Michael Neill’s The Inside-Out Revolution

Michael Neill offers this transformative perspective on how we experience life and leadership. The Inside-Out Revolution challenges the common belief that external circumstances shape our success and happiness. Instead, Neill shares that our thoughts and perceptions create our reality.

Key Insights for Leaders

  1. Clarity Comes From Within-Leaders often look outward (I am guilty of this), at teams, market trends, or competitors—for solutions. Neill suggests that the most profound answers come from within. Cultivating the calm, clear state of mind enables leaders to approach challenges with creativity and confidence and live a more peaceful life. This is more challenging said than done I will fully admit that!

  2. Detaching from Stress-Neill’s work redefines stress as a product of thought rather than circumstance. This insight empowers leaders to navigate high-pressure situations without becoming overwhelmed, recognizing that their response shapes the outcome more than the event itself. There are a lot great quotes in the book that help me remember this thought and how my stress is really simply a thought and if I want my feelings to change, I have to change my thinking.

  3. Creating Space for Transformation-Leadership isn’t about micromanaging every detail but about creating an environment where transformation can occur. Neill encourages leaders to embrace a light-hearted, flexible mindset, which allows teams—and themselves—to grow and adapt naturally.

Learning Beyond the Pages

While Right Thing, Right Now focuses on purposeful action and The Inside-Out Revolution on inner transformation, both books share a common thread: the importance of continual learning and evolving. Here’s how we as leaders can take these lessons beyond the page:

  1. Reflect and Act-Reading is passive without reflection and application. It really does not matter how many books we read, it matters what we do with what we have learned from them. Take time to digest the lessons from these books and identify specific areas in your leadership or life where you can implement these principles.

  2. Learn from Experience-Books are one avenue for learning. Engage with your team, embrace challenges, and seek feedback. These experiences often reveal lessons that no book can teach. We have to do more than read or learn.

  3. Adapt Holistically-True learning isn’t confined to intellectual growth. It spans emotional, spiritual, and interpersonal dimensions. By adopting a variety of learning modalities—coaching, workshops, or even meaningful conversations—we will develop a richer and more balanced perspective.

Leaders as Learners

In a world where knowledge is abundant but wisdom is scarce, we as leaders must commit to lifelong learning. By integrating the insights from Right Thing, Right Now and the transformational mindset of The Inside-Out Revolution, leaders can cultivate the depth and agility required to navigate an ever-changing landscape.Remember: Being THE leader isn’t about knowing it all—it’s about continually evolving, adapting, and growing. Leadership isn’t about reading; it’s about learning, and the best learning happens when we apply, reflect, and grow from every opportunity life presents.If there are any books that have changed your life, you recommend or you enjoy sharing, let me know at ryan@ryanavery.com as I enjoy hearing from you and taking your suggestions. Keep being THE!


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