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I have started my training for the World Record on April 15th. 5,000 signatures in ten hours will be what it takes to take home the gold.

I wanted to see how many times I could sign my name before my wrist got weak and I got to about 1,000. Then I switched to my left hand and as you can see from the photo above… I have a lot of work to do before then… especially with my left hand signature.

At first, 5,000 signatures seems doable… then you try it and you tell yourself you better get training!

So today I am putting together a training schedule to get ready for this record. It will include signing my name more 100,000 times, writing 500 letters, doing push-ups everyday and working with one of those 5-pound hand grips with a spring.

If I want to do this, training is a must.

This week I am in Fort Collins meeting with campus and community organizations to help market the event and get people on board to break a World Record at CSU! Remember to stay in touch by signing up for the blog at the top right hand corner of this page and email me at if you have ideas or contacts that can help with the event!

Once I get my training schedule completed, I will share with you my plans to get ready to sign 5,000 books on April 15th! Together… we will break a world record!!! As always…

Dream BIG,
Ryan Avery

Ryan Avery

Author Ryan Avery

Hi, my name is Ryan Avery! Over the last decade I have dedicated my life to learning, practicing and sharing how we can Go From A to THE® in everything we do! Thank you for following along.

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Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • so proud of you! and also proud of the #50daychallenge you are doing (starting monday) to help you prepare for this! 200 signatures a day…here you go 🙂

  • Marc Gabris says:

    Wow cool! 5k signatures is quite a few! You may want to learn how to write with both feet as well to lighten the load. Come wearing those toe shoes that parkour athletes wear. Way to keep pushing yourself and finding additional “feats” to accomplish.

  • June Glisson says:

    Hi, Ryan. This is a pretty cool goal. What’s the math on that? Is it like 10 signatures per minute times x number of hours? All in one sitting, or are there breaks in between. Is it an 8-hour goal or a 24-hour goal? Interesting.

    How can we, your followers, support you with your signature efforts? I heard once on NPR that the President of the United States has a signature machine, and it makes the President’s actual real (facsimile) signature on letters and greetings and stuff. Should we take up a collection to buy you one of those signature machines before April 15th?

  • Ryan Avery says:

    Hi June, thank you so much! I will be signing for 10 hours straight! It is a big task but you can help buy buying a book online THAT DAY (only orders on April 16th count) through and sharing it with your friends and family. I don’t think I can use a signature machine… but that would be nice 🙂 Thank you June so much for your support and looking forward to breaking a World Record with you!

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