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I have had several people come up to me after my speeches and ask if I was going to post “Chelsea Quotes” again?

For those of you who followed us on our 50-City North American tour, every week I  posted quotes from Chelsea (my wife) while being on the road. Some made you think, most were strange and a lot of them made me laugh and I hope they made you do the same.

I wanted to bring it back because lately she has been full of good, motivational and funny quotes so every now and again I will post some of Chelsea’s best quotes. Oh, how much fun it is to work with you spouse!

“Babe you can’t leave these windows open at night. What if someone crawls up here and murders us?”

* in relation to us living on the 5th floor in one of the safest cities in America and her actually being serious

“Well, you shouldn’t have married such a funny wife.”
* in relation to me asking her to stop making me laugh while I was sick

“You should incorporate dance into your next keynote.”
* in relation to her being serious after watching this video

“Do it, or I will pour honey on your knees.”
* in relation to me not wanting to take a shower

“Guys with gold pinky rings… realllllllly freak me out!”
* in relation to…I 100% agree

“My PMS is really intense today so I am going to need you to tread lightly which means I need you to go away.”
* in relation to me just standing there

“I’d watch Jurassic Park.”
* in relation to the first thing she said when we woke up

“Do you know where a donut shop is around here?”
* in relation to her asking a stranger this question while she had a huge cookie in her hand and the stranger for sure judged us!

“Um, what is more American than a cinnamon roll?”
* in relation to… EVERYTHING!!!

This is my life. I am so thankful Chelsea is my wife because everyday she makes me laugh, pushes me to be better and I know I won’t ever have a boring day as long as I am with her. Take some time to write down some of the quotes you hear this week, they are fun to look back on and can be a great way to reflect on memories.

Take time to tell those who matter most to you, that you love them and are thankful they are in your life!

As always…

Dream BIG,

Question: What was your favorite quote from Chelsea this time and do you want me to continue to do articles like this every now and again?

Ryan Avery

Author Ryan Avery

Hi, my name is Ryan Avery! Over the last decade I have dedicated my life to learning, practicing and sharing how we can Go From A to THE® in everything we do! Thank you for following along.

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Join the discussion 10 Comments

  • Kathy says:

    The comment about watching Jurassic Park:)

  • Pebby Garner says:

    “You should incorporate dance into your next keynote.”

    I saw you at the Toastmasters District 55 Leadership Institute on July 26th in San Antonio. You could incorporate the dance when you enter and exit with energy!

    I really enjoyed your talk and I plan on buying your book as soon as I can afford it. Speaking of energy, there are many times when I get to my Toastmasters club meeting tired and not really wanting to be there. By the end of the meeting though, I have been re-energized and my spirits have been lifted due to all the energy at the meeting.

    Yes, please keep posting quotes from your wife. I smiled through them all.

  • Paula Howley says:

    Ryan, I can’t BELIEVE you had the nerve to ‘just stand there’ while Chelsea dealt with an intense PMS day..
    Daring you to dance at D96’s inaugural conference. Totally daring you.

    Your wife is seriously funny. I am encouraging her to do stand up.

  • Ryan Avery says:

    I have been trying to get her to do stand up for years!!!! She is pretty darn funny and I might, just maybe… might dance at D96’s conference! 🙂

  • Ryan Avery says:

    Yea it was like on a Tuesday also 🙂

  • Ryan Avery says:

    Thank you Pebby and glad to hear you liked my talk! Thank you for sharing that. I will keep posting if she keeps saying funny things 🙂 Which something tells me she will! Enjoy the rest of your week and hope to be in D55 again soon!

  • Joe says:

    Next time she mentions the PMS thing, just start dancing. Then, tell her it was her idea.

  • my favorite is the honey one…. 🙂

  • ravery got really excited when you read your comment to me and i was like “oh paula already told me that-we go way back” then he spent 27 minutes trying to convince me to…

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