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Ryan Avery - New cafeteria with new tables

INFOGRAPHIC: Where Do You Sit in The Leadership Lunchroom?

By Motivation No Comments

Because you enjoyed last week’s infographic and because my high school reunion is a week away, I thought I would share another infographic today by MBC! This time, it helps us identify what type of leadership style we are drawn too more! Which one are you?

Ryan Avery's Business Card

How to Accept a Business Card in China

By Motivation No Comments

In the United States, we often quickly whip out our business card, hand it over with one hand and watch the recipient place it directly in their pocket without barely looking at it! This is the opposite of what you want to do while you are in China.

There is etiquette to giving and receiving a business card.

First: When giving a business card, always hand over the card with two hands touching the top corners and handing it over to them where they can read your name (as shown in the above image).

Second: When receiving a business card make sure to grab the bottom with two hands, review it, look at it for a second or two. Then provide at least one compliment about them, their position or the card itself.

Third: Don’t place the card in your back pocket or any place that would indicate you do not care about the card. If you put it in your front pocket, or suit jacket or wallet, make sure you are looking at the card when you are placing it there to show them you care about it and will follow up shortly.

Here is a quick tip that can make a big difference when you are doing business the next time you are in China or working with someone from China. Keep using your voice to make a difference and as always…

Dream BIG,

Ryan Avery - How to create a to do list

How to create a to-do list that works

By Motivation, Videos 3 Comments

Here is how you can improve your to-do list so you can accomplish your short-term and long-term goals! Make sure you have a balance between what you are doing to maintain your lifestyle and items you are doing to improve (gain) your lifestyle. If you like this method share it using one of the social media icons below!

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