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6 Reasons You Should Be More Attractive

By Motivation 3 Comments

This sounds harsh, but it is true! Prettier people have it easier than ugly people! I am not only talking about your appearance, I am talking about having an attractive attitude, outlook, and energy! The good thing about our individual beauty is that we can do a lot to improve the way we look and feel without changing our core values.

We also need to do a good job identifying what attractive looks like to “us” and not “them” because being attractive is more about a feeling than a look. It’s more about confidence than about your cheekbones or chic clothes! Being attractive is all about how you feel!

So here are… Six Reasons Why You Should Be More Attractive:

1) You get paid more: According to Daniel Hamermesh, a professor of economics at the University of Texas at Austin, and author of the new book Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People Are More Successful, says a good-looking person will earn, on average, $230,000 more over the course of a lifetime than someone who is perceived as less attractive.

2) More people like you: More people want to be around attractive people than they do ugly people–both physically ugly and emotionally ugly! If you don’t agree, look at any magazine on the shelf. You will see a supermodel who gets paid millions or politicians without brains, but a little more beauty can help win an election!

3) You feel more confident: This is the most important one. Remember: being attractive is a feeling, not a look! Plus, if you want to be a leader, you have to look and feel as though you have confidence. Simon Sinek says the only things a leader needs are followers. Well, you can’t and won’t get those followers if they don’t have confidence in what they see in you!

4) Things are easier for you: I mean all you need to do is read all eight reasons from this Business Insider article to see why!

5) You appear to be friendlier: According to those who smile more bear less stress, a smile is a universal sign of happiness, and smiling helps us get promoted! And if you think it is all about looks, think again. According to Orbit Complete, 69% of people find women more attractive when they smile than when they wear make-up! When you seem happier, less stressed, and confident, more people are going to want to be around you!

6) You are more likely to get a job: According to the 2011 Economic Letters attractive people are 10.3% more likely to be considered for a job compared to 7.6% for less attractive people. Have you ever wondered why some companies ask for your photo in a job application? Are you guilty of looking at someone’s social media before you hire them and judge them based on their looks? I have been guilty of this myself!

In two days I will post an article called “Six Ways to Be More Attractive“. I believe everyone is attractive in his or her own right, but all first have to believe they are! As sad as it is, pretty people (both inside and out) have it better! The good news is we all have the opportunity to look and feel more attractive on a daily basis! As always…

Dream BIG,


Question: In your opinion, why do you think we put so much value on being attractive?

How to Make Money Speaking

Three Easy Ways to Make $500 Speaking

By Communication, Motivation 3 Comments

What if you could make more money in one hour than the average American makes in one week? Have you ever asked yourself, “How do I get paid to speak?” or “What are ways I can become a paid speaker this year?”

Below are three quick ways to make $500 speaking, all of which I have done myself.

The reason I am writing this article is to not promote a “get rich quick” mentality! I am writing this because I want to get people comfortable with making money for the knowledge, skills and ideas they possess-not to make a quick buck! If you can’t get comfortable making $500, how will you ever make $5,000? Your voice has power, so use it wisely!

Find a Sponsor: Find a company, organization, or person who can sponsor you to go out and talk to a group of 100+ people. In return, you will offer to talk about their product, service or idea. I recommend choosing someone whom you respect and whom you would be proud to represent. Whom do you know who owns a company seeking awareness for their product? Right now, we know that 48% of Millennials purchase products based on word of mouth marketing, and only 17% are influenced by TV ads. Convincing a company, organization, or person to sponsor you while you talk about how great they are can boost their sales and expand your reach!

Sell 50 tickets for $10: I bet you know at least fifty people. Combine your family, your friends, your social media following, those you work with, those you work for, and the strangers you could meet. You can sell fifty $10 tickets for a one-hour training. Pick a message you want to share, identify the target market who will benefit from it, and select a venue (preferably free). Send out your Eventbrite registration links to everyone you know. Go. Get started!

Get one company to pay you $500: It might sound harder than it seems but how many companies have you actually asked to pay you? Go out and ask ten people who are in charge of saying yes to things like this and see what they say. Companies spend tens of thousands of dollars each year on training their teams. What value can you bring to a company, organization or group? Take an HR or Senior Level executive out to lunch and convince them that you would like to train 20 of his or her employees on (insert subject here + outline the benefits) how to improve any area of their business. I am going to take a bet that most people don’t ask nor do they ask the right person.

Take time to make $500 in the next two weeks and prove to yourself you have valuable information for which people are willing to pay. When you speak, deliver $5,000 worth of content! Rinse and repeat. As always…

Dream BIG,

Question: What is another idea people can do to make money speaking?