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How Millennials Will Be Responsible For Changing America’s Political System

By Motivation 3 Comments

Do you vote for Trump or do you vote for Clinton? For most American’s, these are the two choices we feel we have when selecting our next president. I have heard friends say they are voting for Hillary solely so Trump doesn’t get elected and that Bernie should have been the Democratic candidate.

I have heard strangers say they are not going to vote because “They don’t like Hillary or Trump” and they have better things to do than pick between, “a liar or a fraud.”

So are we stuck between picking the best worst candidate? There are others in this race who have not been adequately showcased solely based on their political party or because their ties aren’t red or blue.

There are other options for American voters. There is the Green Party candidate like Jill Stein and the Libertarian candidate like Gary Johnson. You can even write your own name in the ballot. But do you or these candidates have a shot in winning this year’s election? No! Next year’s election? Maybe. In my lifetime? Absolutely! Here is why:

For the country and generation known for having so many options, Millennials don’t like being told there are merely two choices. We as Millennials, we as the largest generation, we as consumers and voters will demand more choices from our political candidates like we do with everything else. We like options.

We are already showing America we want more. The fact that it is national news that the Libertarian candidate and Green Party are filing lawsuits to be able take part in the upcoming debate shows we are making steps, small steps, to demanding more choices.

Over the past century, we have demanded more choices from our brands, companies and even how we watch TV. When consumers demand more, they get more because companies want to stay in business.

We are demanding more choices and more options from our political parties and we will get them soon. Again, it might not happen this election but the American political system is changing and soon we will be known as having several parties. I might even be so futuristic and bold to say in the next election we as Millennials will be responsible for electing the politician verse their political party.

Other political parties are not a foreign process to electing our president. Our founding president didn’t even belong to a party. From 1841 to 1853, four out of five of our presidents were part of the Whig Party! Congress, the senate, the president, our government would get more done if they focused on values verses what side of the aisle they sat on. We as Millennials know this and we as Millennials are doing something about it!

Having multiple political parties is not a foreign concept to electing other countries’ presidents. Our allies in England, Italy and Australia (to name a few) all have more than two political parties to choose from when electing federal and state employees.

These changes will take time and they will go into effect during my lifetime because seeing is believing. Now young girls growing up can actually believe they can be a Presidential candidate one day. Now we can see that a Presidential candidate can make a large stride to the top without Super PAC donations. Now we know there are other options out there other than red and blue.

These third party and independent candidates will keep fighting. They will keep forging along and Millennials will make the bold move to one day vote for the person verses the party because Millennials are motivated by personal values, not political parties.

Political party leaders have been known for sticking with the candidate for party reasons instead of the person’s individual values and this is something I see changing in the very near future. Maybe even our next election because my generation wants transparency. We want universal values. We crave someone we can trust.

Most Americans are not fully Republican or fully Democratic. No matter who you are voting for, there are things you like and dislike about each candidate so why fight for the party when you can fight for the person? Why wear a red tie when you don’t have to wear a tie at all?

Frankly baby-boomers are a dying breed. Millennials are sprouting seeds that have room to significantly plant our roots in the ground and change the course of our political system in our country.

So how else will we change the course of our political system in our country? The same way we have come together for causes we believe in over the past years. We are the generation responsible for generating millions of dollars in crowd-funding campaigns. We are the generation responsible for spending more money than any other generation on consumer goods. We are the generation responsible for creating significant awareness through a tweet and trending Facebook post.

We are more likely to buy, wear and share a candidate’s merchandise and post it all over every social media outlet we utilize. We are more likely to significantly improve brand awareness for the candidate we want to win through our own networks.

We are more likely to find, post and share a candidate’s true colors through research and digging up dirt because we want transparency and authenticity from our leaders and we are willing to share what we find. Think of the progress we have made in the last few elections with what we have done with social media alone! We are capable of lifting a candidate up with a trending twitter feed or tearing them down with an SNL skit that then goes viral.

How else will Millennials be responsible for changing the American political system? We outnumber any other generation. There are more of us, than there are of any other generation. We as Millennials are not coming – we have arrived. We are more than voters. We are now running for office ourselves and the more we see our fellow Millennials stepping into office and our own generation represented in office the faster we will see a political shift in electing the person instead of the party.

Soon things will change and we will demand more choices from our political system in America and Millennials are the ones to change it.

We will soon start voting on the politician’s values verse their political party and won’t see red, blue or green, rather the person behind the position. That is when we will actually make America great again and be stronger together.

31 Days of Kindness – Year 4

By Motivation 5 Comments

Here we go! 31 days of kindness is starting August 1, 2017.

This year we want 1,000+ people on board who, collectively, will do more than 31,000 acts of kindness in 31 days! AWESOME! Sign up here to get the daily email reminder.

First time you are hearing about this? Still join in and take the challenge, we hope you will!

How it works: Each day we do one act of kindness listed below and use #31DaysofKindness  to share, comment and connect with others who are taking part in the challenge.

Make sure to post photos and share updates because at the end I will collect photos and make us a HUGE collage to share with everyone who participated! You can also share this with your friends, family and neighbors to get them on board! The more we have join, the more good we do as a group! So share away!

We have also created sharable images for you to use in your home, office and with your family and friends: Printable Poster, Facebook Banner, Instagram Post and Twitter Image

Our goal is to retrain our brain to remember to be kind to others on a daily basis and to show the world we can do BIG things when you join together. So are you ready for the 31 Days of Kindness Challenge? Refer back to this post to see what each day looks like or get the daily email reminderLet’s make the difference in the lives of thousands and here… we… go…

DAY 1 (August 1st) – Write a handwritten thank you letter
The hardest part about this act of kindness might be to remember where your stamps are or to drive to the post office to get them. Take time to get a letter written and sent out to someone in your circle of friends, family or community who you can encourage, inspire or thank! 

DAY 2 – Pick up a piece of trash
There is always trash on the ground and we can do something about it! Think what would happen if everyone picked up one piece of trash everyday? Let’s keep our eyes peeled for what piece of trash we can pick up to clean up our streets, sidewalks or neighborhood!

DAY 3 – Buy someone coffee/tea or a drink
Most of us take time out of our day to go and grab a drink of coffee, tea or late night drink. Take the time to buy the person’s coffee behind you. If you don’t drink coffee or tea, pull through a drive though coffee shop pay $3 for the person behind you and drive away! See how good you feel!

DAY 4 – Compliment a stranger
Walk by and complement a stranger on what they are wearing, their hair or smile. Bonus points if you give them a high-five when you walk by!

DAY 5 –Donate an item of your choosing
Most of us can agree we have more than we need. What is in your closet that you can donate to a local shelter or Goodwill and have someone else get benefit from your amazing fashion sense? What about kitchen goods or toys?

DAY 6 – Pick something up that has fallen down
If you are walking down the street and see one of those fallen sandwich boards or you are in the grocery store and see something that fell off the shelf, find a way to put it back up! This might encourage others to do the same when they see you going out of your way to do something kind for others!

DAY 7 – Treat Yo’ Self!
We had this idea brought to our attention from a participant of #31DaysofKindess! He reminded us that many of us often need to be kinder to ourselves – so true! Treat yo’ self to a pedicure, a new book, leaving work 30 minutes earlier or fine leather goods. If you need more ideas, see where this idea stems from.

DAY 8 –  Donate at least $5 to an organization you have never donated to before
Research a cause you believe in and donate at least $5 to their mission. It might not sound like a lot but those little donations add up for organizations and can be a big benefit if a lot of people do this. When 100+ of us do this, we will have given more than $500 collectively today to good causes around the world! 

DAY 9 – Give/send someone a small, anonymous gift
Of course receiving gifts on birthdays and holidays are fun but even better is a random gift for no reason! You could look up someone’s ‘wishlist’ on Amazon and send them something. You could leave a coffee gift card on your coworkers desk. You could also buy a small something, leave it in a park with a note saying “For you!”

DAY 10 –Recycle something
It blows my mind how many people still do not recycle! This is one of the easiest ways to give back and be kind to our environment. Take time to recycle and if you don’t have recycling at your office or home, what can you do today to help make that a reality in your area? 

DAY 11 – Bring snacks to work to share
Oh this is my favorite because my wife is my only co-worker and she is participating in this challenge with us! I hope she bakes something good! Take time to make something homemade or go to the store and grab something for your fellow co-workers. If you are unemployed at the time, go and bring a snack to a friend or a nearby office (shoot, even deliver snacks to the office where you want to work!)

DAY 12 – Support local
Instead of grabbing a bite at Subway or getting a few items at your local Target, stop by a local shop and support your community entrepreneurs by eating at a local restaurant or buying what you need at a local shop

DAY 13 – Create a care package for a soldier
I invite you to take time and invite others to join in especially your family or friends to help you with this one. You don’t need to spend a lot of money (you don’t even need to spend money at all). You can write letters, send candy or books and so much more. Here is a good site to use called Any Soldier. If you are outside of the USA, see what your government allows and how you can support your troops. Give thanks to those who provide us with our everyday freedoms. 

DAY 14 – Leave a $2 bill on the ground and watch them pick it up
This is one of the best and most interesting acts of kindness we will do. First off, go to your local bank and ask for a $2 (they will love you for taking those off their hands). Then go and place it somewhere a random person will see it and pick it up. You might be surprised by how many people walk by it before one person notices it!

DAY 15 – Lend your skills/services for free (answer questions)
There are several ways you can do this. Use the #question on Twitter or Facebook. Post on your social media that you can help <BLANK> with <BLANK> and the first person to reach out gets <BLANK> minutes of support. Go and volunteer for an hour or put your skills to the test. This one will make you think and question, what value can I add to others and who can use my skills/services? 

DAY 16 – Promote a cause you believe in
There are so many great causes and organizations working hard to create positive change in our world. Talk about one of these causes that is important to you either in person with people and/or social media.

DAY 17 – Send a nice email to a company
We might take the time to send a complaint to a company who did us wrong but how often do we send an email or letter to a company who we appreciate is doing the right thing or treating their customers with respect? Send a nice email thanking that company for what they do, the products they offer and services they provide! 

DAY 18 – Let someone go in front of you in line
Whether this is at the grocery store, at the coffee shop or waiting to pick up your burrito, this is a kind gesture to extend to someone!

DAY 19 – Share an uplifting quote
You never know what kind of day someone is having and often when we see positive or uplifting quotes, it can help reset our minds. Share an uplifting quote with a friend or via social media.

DAY 20 – Hold the door for someone
This one is another tricky one because we have to be on the look out all day for this opportunity. Take the time to look around for when someone might need the door opened for them. Smile, maybe give them a high-five and do it as many times as you can! 

DAY 21 – Treat yo’ self and someone else
Reference day 7 for what this means except this time, include someone else! Treat your mom to a pedicure, your dad to lunch or your friend to that delicious cupcake in addition to yourself! Throw kindness around like confetti! 

DAY 22 – Donate a used book to the library
Your local library could really enjoy some of your old childhood books or best-sellers that you never read anymore. Children, adults and teens can really benefit from those books we don’t use so select some off the shelf, drive by your local library and donate them!

DAY 23 – Introduce yourself to a stranger
Say “hi” to someone you walk by. Sit next to someone else at lunch. I bet there might be people at your office you don’t know fully, say hi and introduce yourself.  A hi can go a long way!

DAY 24 – Share an article to a friend who could benefit from it
Have you read a great article recently that you know could benefit a close friend, peer or family member? Take time to show you care by sending them an article with an email to say “Hey, saw this and was thinking about you. Thought you would enjoy it.” Please don’t send one of those obnoxious FWDs. Send an article that adds real value to their life. 

DAY 25 – Leave a 100% tip
This one will make your day! It does not have to be on a $50 meal. It can be on a $2 coffee you buy or $8 lunch you purchase. Leave that 100% tip and talk about doing a HUGE act of kindness. Those waiters will be talking about that for a while and you spread more kindness that way because they in turn go and talk about what just happened to their friends and family! 

DAY 26 – Leave a fun treat for your mail carrier in your mail box
I would recommend nothing that can melt in the southern states this summer but pick something that is fun, sweet and says thank you! You can even write a note letting them know how much you appreciate always delivering your mail. 

DAY 27 – Send a love letter to someone
There is something magical about receiving a letter in the mail and something extra magical when it’s a love letter! While we recommend sending one to your significant other if you have one, there are plenty of other family and friends you love in your life!

DAY 28 – Forgive Someone 
This one is tough but we never said this challenge would be easy. Let’s be kind today by forgiving someone that hurt us, let us down or disappointed us. This will make room in your heart and mind for more kindness when you release resentment. You could let this person know they are forgiven by a letter, phone call or meeting. Another option would be to write a letter forgiving them and put it away without mailing it because the action is more important for you.

DAY 29 – Give thanks to one community servant you don’t personally know
Is there a firefighter, police office, civic servant or someone in your community who is adding value to your community that you need to thank? Go to their office, write them a letter or give them a call to say thank you for all they do to make our community safe!

DAY 30 – Smile at 10 people throughout the day
You know that feeling when you randomly lock eyes with a stranger and he or she flashes you a pleasant smile, which you hopefully return? Now it’s your turn to be the one intentional about putting on a literal happy face and smiling to at least 10 people throughout the day!

DAY 31 – Leave behind a note of kindness
Get your sticky notes or a piece of paper ready and leave a note (or notes!) of kindness somewhere along your day. This could be on a bathroom mirror at a restaurant, on a bookshelf in a library or even on someone’s windshield. To get your creative juices flowing, here are a few examples:

“You matter and you are important!”

“The world needs your specific creativity and energy!”

“Have a marvelous day!”

When we do all of this, imagine what we will have accomplished together as a team! Let’s spread the word! Think you know others who would like to join us?

Top 15 Photos of 2015 Challenge

By Motivation No Comments

Are you ready for the top 15 photos of 2015 challenge? For the past few years Chelsea and I have recapped our year in photos (in relation to the year) accompanied with a short caption for each. For 2013 and 2014 you joined in and did the same (sharing photos and stories) and I hope you will do the same for 2015!

This is a fun activity to do when you have some free time in the next few weeks. Sit down, turn off the TV, disconnect from social media and start back in January looking through all your photos of this year. Reminisce on the emotions you felt, the people you met and the things you experienced!

What are the top 15 things that stood out? Share them with us by writing a blog post, creating a Facebook album or sending them to your friends and family via email. Use the #15BY15IN15 so we can keep connected and see your photos and read your captions! I am looking forward to seeing what your 2015 is all about!

Here are my top 15 photos for 2015:

Hong Kong -

Hong Kong – Chelsea and I delivering a keynote in Hong Kong together called, “The Power of Partnerships” and the audience took a selfie with us (and our new hats they gave us as gifts)! High energy, lots of fun and a fantastic memory! Thank you Hong Kong for being amazing and can’t wait to see you again soon!


31 Days of Kindness

31 Days of Kindness – This year’s 31 Days of Kindness got bigger, spread farther and made an even larger impact than I expected! I am committed to making #31DaysofKindness even stronger in 2016 and want to see more than 1,000 people join in on the cause! Thank you to everyone who joined this year and let’s continue to spread kindness around the world together!


The Whole 30

The Whole 30 – Every year for the past 8 – 10 years I have given things up for 50 days (not-reilgously related) at a time! This year I decided to take on the The Whole 30 Challenge and it had to have been one of the most difficult ones I have ever done. I am thankful I did though because it taught me new recipes and showed me I can survive without carbs. Today, I still eat carbs!


High School Reunion -

High School Reunion – A perfect mixture of high school drama mixed with amazing friends I have not seen for over 10 years! I can’t believe it has been a decade since I graduated from Humble High School. I am lucky to have the friends I do and to have worked alongside an awesome team of people who planned this event! Best high school reunion ever!


World Championship of Public Speaking

World Championship of Public Speaking – Every year I go back to the World Championships of Public Speaking I am always in awe that I get to be part of this group! It still doesn’t feel real at times and I am thankful for the lessons I learned, the people I met and the speeches I gave this year for the Toastmasters community.


Stone Henge

Stonehenge – Back in 2005 I landed in London with a plan to go to Stonehenge. I found out that the trip would have cost me most of the money that I had budgeted for food and a hostel so I had to put this World Wonder on hold! 10 years later I came back with the woman I love and got to experience for the first time with her! I am glad I waited!



Australia – Can we all agree that Australians are amazing! This is my first time feeding a Kangaroo and speaking in Perth, Australia! I am so thankful for D17 and the experiences they gave Chelsea and me!



Sugar – This is my dog Sugar. Enough said!


Scuba Diving

Scuba Diving – Chelsea and I gave a keynote together in Hong Kong this year (Thanks D89) and to top it off, the Hong Kong aquarium let me scuba dive with hammerheads, manta rays and sharks in one of the top 10 ten largest aquariums in the world!



Vistage – Vistage has changed my life and business! I am so thankful for to be part of this amazing community and to be considered one of their speakers! I have met leaders this year that have mentored me, given me business advice and connected me with people I would have never been able to reach! Here I am about to speak in NYC and I remember thinking to myself… is this a dream?



Family – This is my mom, dad and sister! We are a wild bunch and often times can be looked at as being “too close” as a family! It can be overwhelming at times but I wouldn’t change a thing! Family is the most important thing and I am beyond grateful everyday I get to be part of the Avery family! Next year I have made a commitment to see them more and spend quality time with them!



Otters – Yeap! I. Got. To. Play. With. An. OTTER! Thanks to my amazing blogging wife I got to have a private tour of Roos N More Zoo and play with my favorite animal…. the otter!



Working – I am so thankful for my job and what I get to do for a living. I want to share this photo because it’s not always big hotel rooms and huge audiences. This is me about to do a webinar in our “hotel” room so I could get wifi. I have had audience of three.. yes THREE… people this year. I have made BIG mistakes, I have accidentally hurt people’s feelings, I have had more flight delays or cancelations than I can count and I have learned so many lessons that my “notes” section on my phone is almost at capacity! If you are serious about your dream and living it, remember it’s hard work, it will be so tough at times you don’t even know how you are going to move forward, but remember your WHY and keep going! Keep going!


Public Speaking

Public Speaking – My first speech of the year! A lot of my friends and family still don’t understand what I do for a living. This. This is what I do. I am that person at the last conference you attended who comes up on stage as the keynote speaker or a breakout session and teaches you something to improve your business. My “something” happens to be around communication skills.



Antarctica – Best trip I have taken in my life at this point! The experiences, the people and new friends I made all made it worth traveling through Drake’s Passage! Antarctica took my breath and fillings away (I lost a filling because it was so cold one day the filling popped off my tooth). This year, Chelsea and I had a goal to be the youngest couple in history to speak on all seven continents and on November 28, 2015 we made our dream a reality! Thank you to everyone who attended the live webinars. Thank you to everyone who attended in the live audiences. Thank you to everyone who supported us along this journey! Always, always always go for your BIG dreams because the world needs more people to take action on their ideas!


What are the top 15 things that stood out for you? Share them with us by writing a blog post, creating a Facebook album or sending them to your friends and family via email. Use the #15BY15IN15 so we can keep connected and see your photos and read your captions! I am looking forward to seeing what your 2015 is all about! As always…

Dream BIG,

Taking Two Weeks Off

By Motivation One Comment

Hey Todayers! Chelsea and I head out this week for South America and Antarctica for our Map to Dreaming BIG event. In less than two weeks we will be the youngest couple in history to speak on all seven continents!

I am going to take these next two weeks off blogging, vlogging and using social media to really be in the moment with Chelsea and enjoy this trip. We plan on taking plenty of photos and videos and as soon as we return I will post/share them with y’all!

About 12 months ago this was an idea and together, with Chelsea and the Map to Dreaming BIG community, we are making it real! Please go after your BIG dreams. Please believe in yourself. Please do the things that you want to do in this lifetime. Your life will change for the better when you realize you are capable of doing BIG things!

The world needs more people to take action on their dreams! I hope y’all have a great few weeks and I look forward to talking with you soon! As always…

Dream BIG,

The 2015 World Champion of Public Speaking is…

By Motivation No Comments

We have a new 2015 World Champion of Public Speaking for Toastmasters International!

They just crowned the 2015 World Champion of Public Speaking in Las Vegas and wow…what a contest!

Every year thousands of people across the globe watch live to see who will be crowned the World Champion of Public Speaking.

With a speech titled, the Power of Words,  Mohammed Abdullah Qahtani, took the stage and came out victorious!

More than 30,000+ people from 135 countries competed this year for the 2015 World Championship of Public Speaking and now Toastmasters has a new reigning Champion.

Congratulations Mohammed Abdullah Qahtani! 

From all of your Toastmaster peers and friends, we wish you the best of luck on your new journey as the 2015 World Champion of Public Speaking.

Represent us well, help grow our organization and keep using your voice to make a difference! As always…

Dream BIG,


Let the world know about the new 2015 World Champion of Public Speaking! Spread the news by clicking on a social button below!

Adventures of Public Speaking: Morocco

By Motivation, Videos One Comment

We had a stop in Casablanca, Morocco for our Map to Dreaming BIG tour and we have learned a few things along the way! What has been one thing you have learned this week that others can benefit from?

Join us for 31 Days of Kindness (Year 2)

By Motivation No Comments
Hi all our fellow 31 Days of Kindness enthusiasts! It’s that time of year again and we took in all your feedback from last year. We have created 31 Days of Kindness to be stronger, easier to follow and easier to share thanks to you! This year’s improvements include:

  1. The option of daily emails sent to your inbox at 8am PDT to remind you what the act of kindness is for that day (sign up here)
  2. The day of the month coordinates with the day we are on (Example: August 7th will be the 7th act of kindness)
  3. We will use a common hashtag to share and connect with fellow 31 Days of Kindness doers with #31DaysofKindness
  4. We have 4 options this year with “Choose Your Own”
  5. We have created social icons (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Newsletter), and printable materials to help you share online, at home and in the office
Join us this year for 31 Days of Kindness and let’s show the world what happens when 1,000+ people come together each day to spread good around our local communities! Sign up here to receive the emails, click the above links to find the social icons and printable materials and get ready to start 31 Days of Kindness on August 1st this year! Below you will find what each day consists of and how it works! As always…

Dream BIG,
Ryan and Chelsea Avery

How it works: Each day we do one act of kindness listed below and use #31DaysofKindness to share, comment and connect with others who are taking part in the challenge.

Make sure to post photos and share updates because we will collect photos and make a HUGE collage to share with everyone who participates! You can also share this with your friends, family, coworkers and neighbors to get them on board! The more we have join, the more good we do as a group! So share away!

Our goal is to retrain our brain to remember to be kind to others on a daily basis and to show the world we can do BIG things when you join together. So are you ready for the 31 Days of Kindness Challenge? Refer back to this post to see what each day looks like.

You can also download a printable poster here to hang up at your office or home.

Let’s make a difference in the lives of thousands and here… we… go…

DAY 1 (August 1st) – Write one handwritten thank you letter
The hardest part about this act of kindness might be to remember where your stamps are or to drive to the post office to get them. Take time to get a letter written and sent out to someone in your circle of friends, family or community who you can encourage, inspire or thank! 

DAY 2 – Pick up a piece of trash
There is always trash on the ground and we can do something about it! Think what would happen if everyone picked up one piece of trash everyday? Let’s keep our eyes peeled for what piece of trash we can pick up to clean up our streets, sidewalks or neighborhood!

DAY 3 – Buy someone coffee/tea or a drink
Most of us take time out of our day to go and grab a drink of coffee, tea or late night drink. Take the time to buy the person’s coffee behind you. If you don’t drink coffee or tea, pull through a drive though coffee shop pay $3 for the person behind you and drive away! See how good you feel!

DAY 4 – Pass along an article to a friend who could benefit from it
Have you read a great article recently that you know could benefit a close friend, peer or family member? Take time to show you care by sending them an article with an email to say “Hey, saw this and was thinking about you. Thought you would enjoy it.” Please don’t send one of those obnoxious FWDs. Send an article that adds real value to their life. 

DAY 5 – Give a hug to someone who could really use it
We could all use a hug from time to time. Scope out someone you know who could use a hug and give them a good ol’ bear squeeze to say you were thinking of them and hope they are having a great day!

DAY 6 – Pick something up that has fallen down
If you are walking down the street and see one of those fallen sandwich boards or you are in the grocery store and see something that fell off the shelf, find a way to put it back up! This might encourage others to do the same when they see you going out of your way to do something kind for others!

Today is the day we choose any act of kindness we want to do. You can pick up trash, write a letter, donate money or time; anything that classifies an act of kindness to you! Make sure to use the #31DaysofKindness hashtag and post a photo to share on your social media accounts and let us know what you are doing! 

DAY 8 –  (August 8th) Give a book to a friend
Is there a book that has been sitting on your shelf you have not read in a while that could benefit someone else? Maybe you love books and want to send a new copy to a friend. Grab a book off the shelf or online and give it to a friend who could benefit from reading it!

DAY 9 – Apologize to someone you know you should
This one is tough but we never said this challenge would be easy. Let’s be kind today by apologizing to someone we know we have hurt or wronged in the past by either sending them an email, calling them on the phone or telling them in person.

DAY 10 – Buy someone their lunch, breakfast or dinner
This can be planned or it can be spontaneous. Maybe you buy the person’s sandwich behind you in line or you make an extra plate for a co-worker who you know loves your home cooking! 

DAY 11 – Leave a $2 bill on the ground and watch them pick it up
This is one of the best and most interesting acts of kindness we will do. First off, go to your local bank and ask for a $2 (they will love you for taking those off their hands). Then go and place it somewhere a random person will see it and pick it up. You might be surprised by how many people walk by it before one person notices it!

DAY 12 – Lend your skills/services for free (answer questions)
There are several ways you can do this. Use the #question on Twitter or Facebook. Post on your social media that you can help BLANK with BLANK and the first person to reach out gets BLANK minutes of support. Go and volunteer for an hour or put your skills to the test. This one will make you think and question, what value can I add to others and who can use my skills/services? 

DAY 13 – Donate at least one piece of clothing
I will be the first to admit I have WAY too many clothes (yes, even more than my wife Chelsea). There are clothes that I don’t wear anymore and could benefit others. What is in your closet that you can donate to a local shelter or Goodwill and have someone else get benefit from your amazing fashion sense?

DAY 14 – Create a care package for a soldier
I invite you to take time and invite others to join in especially your family or friends to help you with this one. You don’t need to spend a lot of money (you don’t even need to spend money at all). You can write letters, send candy or books and so much more. Here is a good site to use called Any Soldier. If you are outside of the USA, see what your government allows and how you can support your troops. Give thanks to those who provide us with our everyday freedoms. 

Today is the day we choose any act of kindness we want to do. You can pick up trash, write a letter, donate money or time; anything that classifies an act of kindness to you! Make sure to use the #31DaysofKindness hashtag and post a photo to share on your social media accounts and let us know what you are doing! 

DAY 16 – (August 16th) Write a comment on someone’s blog
I have been blogging for a little over four years now and I still get butterflies when people comment on my posts. Take time to comment on one of your favorite up and coming bloggers to let the writer know you are listening and you enjoy their writing (Note: for this act of kindness, you can’t comment on this blog, you have to go and comment on someone else’s!). 

DAY 17 – Send a nice email to a company
We might take the time to send a complaint to a company who did us wrong but how often do we send an email or letter to a company who we appreciate is doing the right thing or treating their customers with respect? Send a nice email thanking that company for what they do, the products they offer and services they provide! 

DAY 18 – Bring snacks to work to share
Oh this is my favorite because my wife is my only co-worker and she is participating in this challenge with us! I hope she bakes something good! Take time to make something homemade or go to the store and grab something for your fellow co-workers. If you are unemployed at the time, go and bring a snack to a friend or a nearby office (shoot, even deliver snacks to the office where you want to work!). 

DAY 19 – Introduce yourself to a stranger
Say hi to someone you walk by. Sit next to someone else at lunch. I bet there might be people at your office you don’t know fully, say hi and introduce yourself.  A hi can go a long way!

DAY 20 – Hold the door for someone
This one is another tricky one because we have to be on the look out all day for this opportunity. Take the time to look around for when someone might need the door opened for them. Smile, maybe give them a high-five and do it as many times as you can! 

DAY 21 – Donate a used book to the library
Your local library could really enjoy some of your old childhood books or best-sellers that you never read anymore. Children, adults and teens can really benefit from those books we don’t use so select some off the shelf, drive by your local library and donate them!

Today is the day we choose any act of kindness we want to do. You can pick up trash, write a letter, donate money or time; anything that classifies an act of kindness to you! Make sure to use the #31DaysofKindness hashtag and post a photo to share on your social media accounts and let us know what you are doing! 

DAY 23 – (August 23rd) Recycle something
It blows my mind how many people still do not recycle! This is one of the easiest ways to give back and be kind to our environment. Take time to recycle and if you don’t have recycling at your office or home, what can you do today to help make that a reality in your area? 

DAY 24 – Support local
Instead of grabbing a bite at Subway or getting a few items at your local Target, stop by a local shop and support your community entrepreneurs by eating at a local restaurant or buying what you need at a local shop

DAY 25 – Leave a 100% tip
This one will make your day! It does not have to be on a $50 meal. It can be on a $2 coffee you buy or $8 lunch you purchase. Leave that 100% tip and talk about doing a HUGE act of kindness. Those waiters will be talking about that for a while and you spread more kindness that way because they in turn go and talk about what just happened to their friends and family! 

DAY 26 – Leave a fun treat for your mail carrier in your mail box
I would recommend nothing that can melt in the southern states this summer but pick something that is fun, sweet and says thank you! You can even write a note letting them know how much you appreciate always delivering your mail. 

DAY 27 – Compliment a stranger
Walk by and complement a stranger on what they are wearing, their hair or smile. Bonus points if you give them a high-five when you walk by!

DAY 28 – Donate at least $5 to an organization you have never donated to
Research a cause you believe in and donate five dollars to their mission. It might not sound like a lot but those little donations add up for organizations and can be a big benefit if a lot of people do this. When 100+ of us do this, we will have given more than $500 collectively today to good causes around the world! 

DAY 29 – Give thanks to one community servant you don’t personally know
Is there a firefighter, police office, civic servant or someone in your community who is adding value to your community that you need to thank? Go to their office, write them a letter or give them a call to say thank you for all they do to make our community safe!

Today is the day we choose any act of kindness we want to do. You can pick up trash, write a letter, donate money or time; anything that classifies an act of kindness to you! Make sure to use the #31DaysofKindness hashtag and post a photo to share on your social media accounts and let us know what you are doing! 

What has been your favorite act of kinds so far? Repeat that one today and go BIG! How can you make this one BIGGER and BETTER than the last time you did it? Make sure to use the #31DaysofKindness hashtag and post a photo to share on your social media accounts and let us know what you are doing! 

When we do all of this, imagine what we will have accomplished together as a team! Let’s spread the word!

Definition of Leadership

What’s The Definition of a Leader?

By Motivation 2 Comments

Here is my definition of a leader:

Leader: Someone whose actions, inspire others to take action. 

You don’t need a title, money or power to be a leader. When you do something, say something or share something that gets someone else to take action, in my book you are a leader!

The world needs more leaders now than ever. Take time this week to take action on something you have been wanting to do and see who you inspire, motivate and lead!

What is your definition? Share, like or comment to get the conversation started! As always…

Dream BIG,

INFOGRAPHIC: Where Do You Sit in The Leadership Lunchroom?

By Motivation No Comments

Because you enjoyed last week’s infographic and because my high school reunion is a week away, I thought I would share another infographic today by MBC! This time, it helps us identify what type of leadership style we are drawn too more! Which one are you?

12 Speeches in 12 Days with 12 Photos

By Motivation No Comments

I got to speak 12 times in Australia for the first time and had a blast! Here are 12 photos with 12 reminders from my 12 days in the Outback!

Photo #1: Our first ever international speech together!
Note: Australia was the first part of our

Reminder: There is power in partnerships!

Ryan and Chlesea speaking in Australia

Photo #2: Dancing after a long day of work
Note: This photo is embarrassing but also makes me smile. One of the best parts of being a speaker is being able to meet the people and hang out with the people that you spoke to that day. The members of D17 were so welcoming, generous and kind that we had to dress up in their “Gold Rush” theme and join them on the dance floor!
Reminder: Dance your heart out every now and again!

Ryan Avery - The Averys Dancing
Photo #3: Having offices around the world

Note: One of my favorite things about being an entrepreneur is that you can work from anywhere around the world. We had the complete pleasure of having Bill and Debbie take us around the Swan Valley in Perth to show us wineries, breweries, coffee shops and more, all while I snuck in some emails and enjoyed the view!
Reminder: Sometimes you get more done when you are out of your traditional office.

Ryan Avery - The Averys Office

Photo #4: Meeting a fellow BIG dreamer
Note: This man is walking from Perth to Sydney (more than 5,000 KM) to raise awareness for heart disease! He had a BIG dream and decided to go after it. I love meeting people like this! The world needs more people to go after their BIG dreams!
Reminder: He literally embodies the saying, “A journey of 1,000 miles (or 5,000 KM) begins with a single step!”

Ryan Avery Dreaming BIG with others
Photo #5: Feeding kangaroos for the first time

Note: I have officially decided if any zoo around the world is looking for foster parents of a tamed kangaroo, we will be glad to take them! Now I understand the wild ones can be a bit of a pest but these kangaroos were born in captivity and were so freaking cute I almost put one in my pocket to take home!
Reminder: Take time to visit local attractions the next time you are in a different city.

Ryan Avery - The Avery's Feeding Kangaroos
Photo #6: Eating Kangaroos 

Note: Oh Australia! I just love how you eat your own national animal. Not only do you eat kangaroo, you feed the meat to your cats and dogs! 
Reminder: We say “Don’t mess with Texas” where I am from… but maybe we should start saying “Don’t mess with Australia!”

Ryan Avery - Kangaroo Meet
Photo #7: Missing our puppy 

Note: We have been gone for more than three weeks and we are really missing our puppy. Our friends who have been taking care of her while we are gone keep sending us photos (Thank you Allison and Alison) and this one melted my heart! 
Reminder: Treat your pets well.

Ryan Avery - Sugar Avery
Photo #8: Trying Vegemite 

Note: Not my favorite! I am not going to lie… I miss a good ole’ PB&J right about now!
Reminder: Try the local favorites at least once! It is part of the adventure!

Ryan Avery eating Vegemite
Photo #9: Dreaming BIG with C.Y. O’Connor

Note: We had our first successful webinar with the Map to Dreaming BIG team and were inspired by the story of C.Y. O’Connor. His ability to take an idea and make it real, even when others (most) doubted him is inspiring! 
Reminder: Go after your BIG dreams! The world needs you!

The Averys Dream BIG
Photo #10: Getting to feel like a rockstar 

Note: After I got done speaking at Technology Park, the meeting planner asked if I could sign one of the posters so they could frame it and hang it up in the office. I am not going to lie Emma… you made me feel like a rockstar and thank you for being an A+ event coordinator! 
Reminder: Enjoy the moments in life that make your heart beat fast and when your smile reaches your ears.

Ryan Avery - Signing the Poster
Photo #11: The SUPER PIT in Kalgoorlie 

Note: 220 stories below the ground this can be considered as the Grand Canyon of Australia; one of the largest gold mines in the world! Fascinating to see and learn more about and to understand the history of what made this town so great!
Reminder: You have to dig deep to find gold!

Ryan Avery - The SuperPit in Kalgoorlie
Photo #12: My first professional speech in Australia 

Note: Thank you so much Technology Park for inviting me to speak and work with your entrepreneurs and leaders. They had a 300+ audience fill the room. I got the opportunity to share with leaders the power of storytelling and what it can do for their business, teams and  families!
Reminder: When you work hard to do work you love, it doesn’t feel like work!

Ryan Avery in Perth
Remember to stop waiting for things to happen and make things happen! Thank you again to the members of D17 for making this a life-time memory and we can’t wait to be back in the Outback soon! As always…

Dream BIG,


A Quick Reminder

By Motivation 2 Comments

I have been moving at what feels like 1,000 miles per hour this past week while speaking in Australia for the first time!

We have had a blast while being here in D17; gambling, brothels, creating new friendships and more! (Photos and lessons learned along the way to come next week. Oh and yes, I said brothels)! 

I woke up feeling so stressed this morning as I had four talks to give today and I wanted to make sure I was ready for them all!

Having a mini-freak out, Chelsea reminds me to: Pause (breathe). Remind myself where I am (Australia). Remember time will pass (True).

This week: Pause. Remind yourself where you are. Remember time passes.

What I am upset about today is that although I feel like I did my best, I didn’t do the best job of being in the moment to enjoy it. I stressed about going from one speech to the next and now it is 10pm in Australia and my day is over. The speeches are over and I never get this day back.

I am in a new place, enjoying great conversations with awesome people and I’m with my wife! I love having days where I get to speak, teach and meet new people! So I (we) should enjoy every moment we get like this. Don’t you think?

A quick reminder for us all: Enjoy the moment. 

Can’t wait to share with you what else I have learned while being in Australia (great group of people these Aussies are)! Remember to keep taking advantage of today (enjoy the moment), plan for tomorrow and as always…

Dream BIG,