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Adventures of Public Speaking: Myrtle Beach

By Motivation One Comment

Would you like to see more videos like this that discuss lessons learned while being on the road in each city I speak in? Let me know in the comments below!

How to Be Niche and Famous

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I recently had an interview with Craig Valentine, 1999 World Champion of Public Speaking, whom I will be speaking on stage with at Lefford Fate’s Event next month. Craig told me, “If you want to make a difference and make money in this business, you have to learn how to be niche and famous. You do that by going after a small piece of the pie!”

I think some of us struggle with this, as sometimes we feel like we need to take on the entire pie at once! So, let’s start small and dream BIG!

Identify your pie and what slice of it you want to bite into, first.

Examples of popular pies could include:

1) Leadership
2) Public Speaking
3) Personal Development

Example of slices of that pie:

1) Leading teams, emerging leaders, or dealing with honesty
2) Storytelling, humor, or delivery
3) Mindset, time management, or confidence building

If thin slices become a pie, what are five ways you can go after that slice of pie and be niche and famous?

Listen to the questions people ask you: What questions do you get asked often? People are coming to you for this advice. Can these questions help you identify the piece of the pie in which you already might have an interest?

Let your products sell your other products: Too many people forget about letting their readers or audience know about the other resources they have. A blog can promote a book. A speech can promote a coaching session. A book can promote a CD set.

Know exactly to whom you are marketing: If you try to market to everyone, you will reach no one! Begin by picking one demographic. Can you identify the type of person who buys your product? Who buys Nike gear? Who shops at DSW? What group of people buys Rolexes? All great companies know their target market! Will others buy their products at times? Sure, but the bulk of their business is based off the ones they target!

Build your list: Without your email list you can’t become niche and famous. Start today by offering a way to have people sign up to receive your newsletter. Give them a free download that adds value to their life to make it more enticing for them to subscribe. Communicate with them on a regular basis.

Change your mindset from artist to marketer: Everyone is an artist. Few are marketers. The more you get your artwork out there, the more artwork you will sell. What are you doing to market your services and products so you can be identified as the amazing artist you already are? Just think of those talented friends of yours who have so much potential but who aren’t marketing their products and services correctly. They aren’t going anywhere. Don’t be that person! Be a marketer!

Go out there and take ownership of that thin slice of pie! Put a bunch of little slices together and over time what will you get?  As always…

Dream BIG,

6 Lessons Leaders Can Learn Staying at a JW Marriott

By Motivation 2 Comments

Chelsea and I recently experienced a stay at the JW Marriott in Phuket. While the view was spectacular, the services spot on, and the sun sizzling, I learned a lot about what leaders can do to make their guests have an out-of-this-world experience!

1)   Pay attention to details: From the orchid petal “eyes” of the towel animals gracing our bed to the wood trim surrounding the bed frame, every detail was thought out. Chelsea and I even started playing a game to find out what detail they didn’t pay attention to, it was so good! Details make a guest feel special. What little things are you doing to make a big difference with your customers?

2)   Treat all your guests like VIPs: Even when staff members didn’t know we held elite status they treated us like royalty with a smile, a “Hello”, a “Can I get you anything?” attitude. It was spectacular! Treat your customers as kings and queens from the moment of first contact.

3)   Create an Experience: We didn’t just stay at the JW Marriott, we experienced it. What are you doing to create an experience for your customers?

4)   Build a Community: The JW Marriot we stayed at hosted an event for elite members and gave us hors d’oeuvres and drinks while staff came around and introduced themselves to get to know us better. They went out of their way to build a community and bring people together.

5)   Be disguisable through your customer service: My preferred hotel is Marriott because of their customer service. Instead of a generic email stating “Your hotel room is ready,” we received a personal email that said, “We are looking forward to you checking in. Please let us know what we can do to make your stay even better”. I emailed them a few things I wanted to do, and they made it happen. Plus, when we checked in the woman who emailed me was there to greet us in person! What are you doing to have outstanding customer service for your customers?

6)   A smile goes a long way: Every time we walked by a staff member he or she smiled. Every time we saw staff members working, they were smiling. Smiles make you more approachable and can give the appearance that you, too, should be having a good time if the ones who are working there are happy!

Chelsea and I had such a good time that we even talked about doing our next tour exclusively at JW Marriott because of their service, their standards, and their style.

What are you doing as a leader to make your customers want to return and not care about price because of how well you treat them? As a leader, think like the JW Marriott, and make your next customer interactions ones they’ll remember! As always…

Dream BIG,


4 Things Americans Can Be Reminded of From Malaysians

By Motivation 3 Comments

Chelsea and I had a blast while we were in Malaysia! The people are fantastic, the food is spicy, and the possibilities for adventure and leisure there are endless!

We spent a week in Malaysia during the Toastmasters International Convention. During our time there we were reminded that we, in America, should be doing the same:

1)  Take care of one another: While we were almost three blocks away from our hotel we had a flat tire. We got out of the car, and within minutes we had more than eight guys helping us fix it and get back on the road. Sometimes, I see Americans being fascinated with the thought of going across seas to help others in need, but there are millions of people in our own backyard that need our help. What are you doing to help those in America?

2)  Our way is not the right way: I think for the most part, Americans are really proud to be American, but sometimes we have the view that our way is the right way and the way that works. Our way might be the way that works for us, but not the right way that works for everyone else. Like in most math problems, there are multiple solutions to get the same answer. Same goes for being human!

3)  Embrace diversity: Malaysia has three cultures mixed within its borders including Chinese, Indian and Malay. They embrace it with photos in advertising, restaurants, friends, and language. I feel as though Americans can sometimes get pretty defensive when we “let others into our borders” or what an “American” looks like! Embracing a little more cultural diversity on a larger level would be good for America.

4)  Speak another language: As the saying overseas goes, “If you know three languages you are trilingual. If you know two languages you are bilingual, and if you know one language you are

Take time this year to interact with more people who are outside your borders of comfort. Get to know them. Who knows? They might teach you something you like and remind you how much we have and how much we can improve! As always…

Dream BIG,

Why You Need a Worst-Case Scenario

By Motivation 2 Comments

I met a new friend for coffee. We began talking about our goals, dreams and life ambitions.

Now, many of you know I do not believe in Plan B as there is no room for Plan B when you fully are aware you are capable of achieving your Plan A.

What I asked my new friend to do is something Chelsea and I do when we become afraid to move forward with steps toward accomplishing our big dreams.

TO DO: Write out your worst-case scenario.

On a piece of paper, write out what would be the worst-case scenario if you went for your dream.

Debt? Losing your home? Having to move?

My worst case scenario is losing all my money, losing my top floor apartment in the city I love, selling my car, having people not like me, and having nothing but the clothes on my back which inevitably means Chelsea and I would need to move back in with my parents again. That is my worst-case scenario.

We don’t die. We still have our health and our love for each other, and I move in with people whom I love. So is it really that bad? No! Not even a little bit! So why wouldn’t you go for your dream when your “worst-case scenario” isn’t really that bad at all?

Plus, if you do make it to your worst-case scenario you know how to get back to where you already are, because you have done it before. This time, you can do it faster and smarter!

Take the time to write out your worst case scenario, and see for yourself it is not really that bad, at all. Your dreams are waiting for you. Go out and make things happen. The world deserves your contribution! As always…

Dream BIG,

* Share this article if you know someone who could use help going for their dreams!

Why Don’t You Find the Kind?

By Motivation 2 Comments

It has almost been a month since we completed 31 Days of Kindness, and I have to say the benefits have still been hitting me.

In the past week I have seen more people doing kind things for others than I have ever seen, before. I’ll share three examples of what I have personally encountered:

Man with the mango pancake: Chelsea and I are standing in line to get a street car pancake. I say aloud, “I cannot decide if I want the Mango Madness or the Nutella banana one!” The guy in front of me turns around as he receives his Mango Madness, cuts off a bite of his and says, “Here, try it. It is too much food for me, anyway.” It was delicious, but too rich in taste; he helped me pick the Nutella option!

Girl with the sunglasses: We are sitting on the beach in Thailand, and vendors are walking by trying to sell us everything from fresh almonds to sun tanning oil. One vendor– who is selling sunglasses–unknowingly drops a pair in front of a group of kids and keeps walking. Instead of keeping the glasses, one of the girls picks it up and runs after the peddler to return the glasses. They share a smile and continue on their respective ways.

Runner with the blind man walking: A blind man is walking. You can tell he is lost as he is running into a wall. A runner sees the man from a distance and runs over to him. She asks the man, “Hi sir, where you going? I can help you get there if you want!”

I have witnessed several more acts of kindness this week. Whether you are looking for the kind–or the mean– you will find it!

Shift your mind into finding the kind and you will see how great people really are.

Pay attention this week to how many acts of kindness you see. Be surprised by how much good is happening all around you.

In return- you, too, will want to be more kind. That is how we change the world in which we live. As always…

Dream BIG,

Question: When was the last time you found someone doing something kind for others? 

Don’t Think The Worst In People

By Motivation, Uncategorized 4 Comments

Here is a three minute story about a lessons learned from someone “stealing” from me this week!

What it is like being married to the new wifestyle

By Motivation 4 Comments

Four years ago today, I married my dream.

We have shared burgers, the flu and apartments together.

We have traveled the world, won world championships and been afraid of how we are going to pay next month’s rent.

We have sold everything (other than what fits in our car) and moved across the country twice to chase after our big dreams.

We have become best friends, lovers and best of all partners. She is a strong, smart and bold entrepreneurial social worker whose curly hair, toned body and tattoos makes me melt.

She is also the founder and creator of the new wifestyle where she works with couples on how to create a powerful partnership.

Today, I want to share what it is like living with the new wifestyle everyday:

1) She stretches your thinking: She has helped me think outside the box and opened my eyes to new ways of thinking!

2) She takes way too many photos sometimes: As a blogger I will admit she takes way too many photos of her food but I am thankful she documents our life and she is a rather good photographer!

3) She makes you verbalize your beliefs: She stretches you to articulate what you think and feel so others will understand what you are saying and why it is important to you.

4) She is extremely opinionated: She says what she believes and is open to new ideas. I love her because she can stand up for what she believes in and can talk about what she cares about to anyone.

5) She is my business and life partner: She is loving, talented, skilled and understands she is capable of being an entrepreneur while keeping true to her social worker roots. We make our life partnership a priority and business second!

Being in a relationship takes a lot of work, energy, time, money, resources, trust, and some people might ask, “Why would you want to go through all of that?”

My answer would be because the more work you put into a relationship, the more energy, quality time, money, resources, trust, and love you get back! Investing in someone you love can be one of the best investments you ever make. It pays dividens!

To my wife I love you and can’t wait to continue to live our dream together for 93 more years! To all my lady friends and followers, keep living the new wifestyle and as always…

Dream BIG,

Question: What qualities do you see you in your loved one and how has it helped you be a better person?

Chelsea’s Quotes – Volume II

By Motivation 11 Comments

The tradition continues! Here are the top quotes from Chelsea these past few weeks with a giveaway at the end!

“I wish Sugar had thumbs so she could get me water!”
In relation to Sugar being our dog and that being the reason why she wish she had thumbs!

“OMG. It was one lick and it was adorable.”
In relation to me walking in our apartment and Chelsea was using my computer while Sugar was licking the screen more than once!

“I should have known that was calamari and not an onion ring!”
In relation to us being at a seafood restaurant and them bringing out appetizers and Chelsea’s not being happy that she tried the calamari.

“It’s because you are loud and have a girly voice!”
In relation to me saying, “I feel like a lot of people are looking at me right now.”

“I hope if you ever become a pop star you ask me to be in your music videos.”
In relation to her randomly saying this to me while we were taking a walk!

“I don’t know what is happening over there but it could make me cry!”
In relation to a family hugging at the airport and my wife being overly emotional! 

“I am really jealous your Aunt gets to spend time with your parents this weekend and be on the beach and eat your mom’s cooking and have your mom and dad pay for things!”
In relation to it being true that when we are with my parents they do spoil us with love, food and fun little surprises!

“You can just say goat cheese. No one will judge you.”
In relation to us being at a fancy restaurant and me not being able to pronounce chèrve.

“I just want everyone to know how good I am at lip syncing. I mean I even made my parents sit and watch me lip sync in the living room to Titanic-that’s how good I am!”
In relation to her being 100% serious!

GIVEAWAY: Which one is your favorite? Leave a comment below and automatically be entered to win a free download of REFLECTIONS ($27). As always…

Dream BIG,


5 Entrepreneurial Traits Demonstrated in Thailand

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Every year Chelsea and I take a honeymoon to relax, rejuvenate and relish in the life we are building together. This year we chose Phuket, Thailand and what an experience it has been! We have enjoyed scuba diving adventures, $8 (one-hour) massages and a guy snot rocketing all over my shoeless feet!

Overall, this trip has been one that will be remembered for a lifetime. Throughout our adventures here, I have been reminded of a few things that entrepreneurs do that others do not.

Here are 5 entrepreneurial traits learned in Thailand: 

1) All entrepreneurs need a break and time to relax: Even when I have been “on vacation,” I was still checking emails, social media and planning for what my 2014 Q3 and Q4 would look like. This trip was different. I turned off my phone, didn’t check emails and had my posts automatically scheduled for Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I have not felt this recharged in a very long time. Take time to take a break and disconnect for a while. It will be good for your soul, mind and spirit! When is the last time you have done this?
Ryan and Chelsea Avery

2) Jump in head first: I went scuba diving off the islands of Ko Phi Phi and while we were waiting to go on our second dive, they let you jump off the side of the boat. The boat rocked back and forth and you had to jump at just the right time. If you put your foot in the wrong place or jumped the wrong way you could seriously hurt yourself. To be an entrepreneur, you need an adventurous spirit and to be smart about the choices you make. Once you decide to jump, do it with everything you have and make a splash.

Ryan Avery Diving

3) Shortcuts are short-lived: We took several “shortcuts” to get to beaches while we were here that led to bug-bites, scratches and a muddy hill that almost killed us (A shot of Chelsea before we climbed the hill. We both were not smiling after we climbed to the top). If you want to be truly successful, there are no shortcuts and even if they do work, half the time they cost you more pain than if you took the long way. What shortcuts should you be avoiding and what ways should you really be going to get to your goals?
Ryan Avery and Chelsea Avery in Thialnd

4) Little things make a big difference: Right now, we are staying at the JW Marriott in Phuket and let me tell you these people have thought of every little detail for their guests. From an upgraded room because they knew it was our anniversary to a personalized note with my name on it hand delivered with fresh cold fruit for us to enjoy. These little things are the reason why I stay at the Marriott. What little things are you doing to make a BIG difference for your customers? Trust me, they count and keep them coming back for more! Ryan Avery at the JW Marriott

5) People don’t pay for the product, they pay for what the product gives them: Since I have been here, I have paid $3 and $20 for Chicken Pad Thai. Both delicious with each being surrounded by different atmospheres. One I got at a street vendor and the other I got at the JW Marriott. As I noticed people lining up for both the $3 street option and the $20 sit-down option, I realized people weren’t paying for the taste, they were paying for the experience. I felt like a million dollars eating the $20 Pad Thai and a local eating the $3 option. Both are great but what experience do you offer with your product? What do you want to be, the $3 option or the $20 price point?
travel phucket thailand pad thai

Take time this weekend to think about these tips and traits. Discover what you are doing to grow as a leader and entrepreneur. I hope you are enjoying your day! As much fun as I have had here in Thailand, I am looking forward to coming back home. As always…

Dream BIG,

Share, comment or subscribe! 

5 Reasons Why You Should Start a Competitive Speakers Club

By Motivation One Comment

Last month I, along with 22 other Toastmasters, created a club in Portland, OR, dedicated to helping speakers improve the way they speak competitively at all levels.

Whether you are a Toastmaster or not, you should consider starting one of these clubs in your city.

Here are 5 reasons why:

1)   To surround yourself with those who are better than you

2)   To improve the way you develop and deliver your message so any audience would want to hear it

3)   To improve the quality and quantity of those who compete at all levels

4)   To improve the quality and quantity of those who are judges at all levels

5)   To receive expert feedback that executives would pay for

Our goal is to start a Competitive Speakers Club in every Toastmasters District around the world.

So far, we have started five. We have 86 more to go! We want to improve the quality and quantity of competitive speakers around the world and want you to join us!

If you are in Toastmasters, or want to join Toastmasters and would like to start a club, we have ambassadors ready to help you get your club started.

Email me at, and I will connect you with someone who can help get your club up and running!

Together, let’s improve the quality and quantity of competitive speakers around the world by creating a community of those interested in being better speakers! As always…

Dream BIG,