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9 Reasons “Those” People Always Win

By Motivation One Comment

You know those people who always win? They seem to have everything, accomplish everything, and do everything! Well, here are nine reasons why “those” people always win:

They start. They don’t care about knowing how to do it; they learn along the way. They are not held down by waiting until everything is perfect before starting. They get started and get closer to becoming perfect. It’s like Jim Rohn said, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!”

They keep going. They fail… oh, boy do they fail, but they take that failure, learn from it, and move on. They keep going when times are good, when times are rough, and when times are uncertain. They always keep moving forward while appreciating the past!

They have a positive attitude. Negative things come their way on a regular basis, but they have learned to find the positive in it. They have learned how to learn from the negative rather than let it consume them. Their attitude is infectious. They work hard to build up others along the way!

They evaluate their performance. Whether they win or lose they are constantly seeing what they can do to get better, be better, and do better the next time. They look at wins and losses in the same way, as opportunities for improvement. They ask others for feedback, and they work to incorporate the suggestions the next time.

They hangout with other winners Winners hang out with other winners! You think Michael Jordan hangs out with a bench warmer? No, he hangs out with Michal Phelps and Oprah! Whom you surround yourself with is whom you will become. Take a mental note of the people with whom you socialize; it’s time for some people to acquire new friends!

They believe in themselves. They are constantly believing in themselves and their abilities. They might not know how to do it, but they have the drive and will to learn how. They say “I can” and “I will” on a regular basis.

They invest their time. They are not spending their time, they are investing their time. While others are watching TV, playing video games, and sleeping in late, they are up early, reading books, practicing, and getting out there!

They focus. They are not trying to do five things at once. They are all in. They focus and put their attention level to the test by pushing all of their brain power to accomplish the task at hand! They focus, focus, focus!

They delegate. They know what their strengths and weaknesses are, and they do something about it. They utilize their strengths and delegate their weaknesses to others. They surround themselves with a strong team who can take on any challenge and look at instilling the same qualities in their teams as the ones listed above!

Constant winners don’t wait for things to happen. They make things happen! They take the above nine things and work on them everyday! Ask yourself… are you a winner? As always…

Dream BIG,

How to Live Before You Die

By Family & Personal Life 5 Comments

Last Monday, my aunt passed away. My cousins lost their mom, my uncle lost his wife, and my Aunt Becky and mom lost their sister.

Death hasn’t occurred too much in my family. I am not a religious person, so I can’t say with certainty what happens after this life. But what I can say, what I am reminded of when someone we love leaves this earth, is that we should live life before we die. Here’s how…

Soak up Your Family. How much time are you spending with those you love?

Fall in Love. What are you doing to make more room for love in your heart?

Smile More. How much do you smile?

Travel Often. Where in the world do you want to go? Go there!

Share Your Feelings. Don’t hold them in. Share what you feel and believe!

Take a Break. Take time to breathe in the air and really see your surroundings. Give thanks for what you have!

Live Your Life, Not Someone Else’s. Are you living the life that is true to you?

Create a Bucket List. What do you want to do before you die?

Actually Start Your Bucket List. What are you doing to check things off the list?

Volunteer More. How do you give back on a regular basis?

Make Money but Don’t Let it Consume You. Money gives us options, but are you too consumed with it?

Be Adventurous. When is the last time you have done something adventurous and fun?

Create Something That Helps Others. What are you doing to offer your talents to the world? Will the world be better off once you leave?

Dream… Then Go After Them. Please, please dream! The world belongs to those who dream and take action! The bigger your dream, the more you give the world! So please, please dream!

There is a saying that, “Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die!” I don’t know what the next life will look like, but for now I want you and me to live our lives before we leave this earth!

I want more people to have fun, enjoy family time, and work to accomplish something bigger than themselves! Live life, live today, and as always…

Dream BIG,

Thank You, Ryan Avery!

By Motivation 2 Comments

It took me almost two years, a bucket full of emails, and a few “Benjamins” to secure

It’s all possible because of Ryan Avery…

I reached out to him saying I would like to purchase it; he thought about it for a while before answering with “not right now!”

For months I checked in with him offering to set him up with or, but he was adamant about keeping the domain.

After reaching out to him at least four times, he finally agreed and offered me the domain for sale. In this post, I am saying a huge… THANK YOU!

Thank you, Ryan, for believing in me and giving me the domain. It has helped my business, and I hope I can continue to support you and your music. You have no idea how much it means to me! I give thanks for your generosity on a regular basis! For those interested, I recommend checking out his music. It’s awesome! You can also check out his popular songs “Diamond in Disguise” and “Sleeping on The Interstate“.

GIVEAWAY: For fun, I will give a copy of Ryan’s new album to one lucky winner who comments below listing your favorite (or personal) blog or website and telling us what it is about. I will share the winner in the comments below in the next 48 hours!

For those of you looking to secure the domain of your dreams: be patient, be persistent, and offer the other person value – as much value as you can! Always approach each new venture with a plan to make it a win-win situation.

Ryan Avery the Musician, I thank you so much, again, and as always…

Dream BIG,
Ryan Avery the Speaker

6 Ways to Be More Attractive (PART II)

By Motivation 2 Comments

So, by now you know why you should be more attractive and the benefits attractiveness gets you in the business world, but what are ways to be more attractive? Some of us might need a few tips on how we can make ourselves feel and look more attractive (inside and out) so we can get paid more than our peers, have more people trust us, and increase our confidence!

Here are 6 ways to be more attractive:

1) Clothes: Get clothes that fit you and don’t look ratty. I am not asking you to buy a Burberry shirt and tie. Go to Macy’s, Express or Calvin Klein and get clothes that make you feel more attractive. Find deals! I just did a rehaul on my entire closet at Express and spent less than $500 for a new wardrobe!

2) Smile: The benefits of smiling are endless! Smiles boost your immune system, they are contagious, they relieve stress for you and others who see you, and the list goes on! Smiling makes you more attractive. We all can smile a little more!

3) Posture: From TED sensation Amy Cuddy to writer Jeff Grabmeir, the power of your posture can determine the level of your confidence. Confident people are more attractive! Sit up straight; walk with your shoulders back. Where are your eyes and hands when you are talking with people? Fix your posture right now and instantly see an increase in your attractiveness level!

4) Haircut: Do you have a Donald Trump or Miley Cyrus haircut or do you have a haircut that matches your style, profession, and attractiveness level? One of the best $50 investments you can make is going to a real hairstylist who can tell you what would look best on that beautiful brain of yours and more importantly what product you should be using! It took me five years to realize my hair does not do well with gel, and I am a pomade guy!

5) Breath: There is nothing that shoots your attractiveness level down faster than talking to someone with bad breath! I mean get a Tic-Tac; they are $0.99 USD for a pack of 100! Constantly be checking your breath and doing what it takes to make that tongue squeaky clean!

6) Body/Mind: Take care of your physical and mental health. We only have one body and brain. You don’t need Channing Tatum abs, the mind of Buddha or Angelina Jolie body parts; all you need is to feel and look healthy. That is for both sides of the spectrum from too thin or too wide. Hundreds of healthy and challenge workouts are readily available. Recipes abound which are easily made and packed with flavor and goodness for our insides. I may or may not use Nike Training Club for Women (don’t judge) and I enjoy any recipe that I can do in our crock pot!

Anyone can do the above six things. They will make you look and feel more attractive starting now! I am not asking you to inject your lips with collagen, slather on makeup, or drink only protein shakes!

Again, feeling and looking attractive is 90% how you feel about your attractiveness and portraying that feeling to the world.

Show them what you are made of and how attractive you really are and see how much more fun you’ll have! As always…

Dream BIG,

Reminder: If you like my articles, subscribe via email in the right-hand corner of this page! I write every Monday, Wednesday and Friday to help keep you motivated and offer strategies to help you reach your goals! I would love to stay in touch!


6 Reasons You Should Be More Attractive

By Motivation 3 Comments

This sounds harsh, but it is true! Prettier people have it easier than ugly people! I am not only talking about your appearance, I am talking about having an attractive attitude, outlook, and energy! The good thing about our individual beauty is that we can do a lot to improve the way we look and feel without changing our core values.

We also need to do a good job identifying what attractive looks like to “us” and not “them” because being attractive is more about a feeling than a look. It’s more about confidence than about your cheekbones or chic clothes! Being attractive is all about how you feel!

So here are… Six Reasons Why You Should Be More Attractive:

1) You get paid more: According to Daniel Hamermesh, a professor of economics at the University of Texas at Austin, and author of the new book Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People Are More Successful, says a good-looking person will earn, on average, $230,000 more over the course of a lifetime than someone who is perceived as less attractive.

2) More people like you: More people want to be around attractive people than they do ugly people–both physically ugly and emotionally ugly! If you don’t agree, look at any magazine on the shelf. You will see a supermodel who gets paid millions or politicians without brains, but a little more beauty can help win an election!

3) You feel more confident: This is the most important one. Remember: being attractive is a feeling, not a look! Plus, if you want to be a leader, you have to look and feel as though you have confidence. Simon Sinek says the only things a leader needs are followers. Well, you can’t and won’t get those followers if they don’t have confidence in what they see in you!

4) Things are easier for you: I mean all you need to do is read all eight reasons from this Business Insider article to see why!

5) You appear to be friendlier: According to those who smile more bear less stress, a smile is a universal sign of happiness, and smiling helps us get promoted! And if you think it is all about looks, think again. According to Orbit Complete, 69% of people find women more attractive when they smile than when they wear make-up! When you seem happier, less stressed, and confident, more people are going to want to be around you!

6) You are more likely to get a job: According to the 2011 Economic Letters attractive people are 10.3% more likely to be considered for a job compared to 7.6% for less attractive people. Have you ever wondered why some companies ask for your photo in a job application? Are you guilty of looking at someone’s social media before you hire them and judge them based on their looks? I have been guilty of this myself!

In two days I will post an article called “Six Ways to Be More Attractive“. I believe everyone is attractive in his or her own right, but all first have to believe they are! As sad as it is, pretty people (both inside and out) have it better! The good news is we all have the opportunity to look and feel more attractive on a daily basis! As always…

Dream BIG,


Question: In your opinion, why do you think we put so much value on being attractive?

New Sizzle Reel

By Motivation One Comment

Here is a look at my new “sizzle” reel for my keynotes in 2015! Stay tuned for a post on Monday to show you how, you too can create one, and the benefits it will bring you and your business! I hope you are having a great start to your new year! Let’s go after our BIG dreams in 2015! As always…

Dream BIG,


Top 10 People I Met in 2014

By Motivation 5 Comments

Here are the top ten people I am glad I met in 2014 and why!

This is the person that...

Alan Wiener, Holocaust Survivor – I had the chance to interview Alan and he said I could ask him any question I wanted to about his years spent in concentration camps and losing all 100+ members of his family. The thing that stood out the most was his attitude, humor and ability to find the positive in everything. He ended with saying “Instead of being bitter, I chose to be better!”

This is the person that...

Tom Rhodes, Comedian – He taught me how to laugh and make other people laugh on the spot! I went to his show with a friend of mine and he was so good at improvising and being his true self on stage! I left that night thinking, “Wow… I have a lot of work to do!” Make sure you are always working to be better at what you do!

This is the person that...

Sean Stephenson, Motivational Speaker – Sean had the best opening and closing of a speech I have ever seen! It was one of the most motivating stories I have ever heard and he got me fired up to bring my A-Game when speaking on stage! What are you doing to be the best at what you do?

This is the person that...

Jim Jacobus, CSP – Jim was my buddy at the NSA Convention this year and I could not have had a better person to be partnered with! I came to him at the beginning feeling low in my career as a speaker and he supported me, encouraged me and gave me a line I will always remember, “Always be happy, never be satisfied!” Thanks Jim!

This is the person that...

Geoffrey Tumlin, Communication Consultant – Geoffrey wrote one of my favorite books on communication called, “Stop Talking, Start Communicating” and I read it several times this year. We had the chance to have lunch while I was speaking in Austin, TX and his insights, friendship and passion for communication left me feeling inspired and motivated to improve my abilities as a speaker and coach! 

This is the person that...

Darren Rowse, ProBlogger – I met Darren at a conference I attended in Portland, OR where he spent the day talking about how to grow your blog. He was the one who inspired me to put together the 31 Days of Kindness Challenge and while he was on and off stage he demonstrated what it means to be a leader in your niche! What are you doing to build your community on and off line? 

This is the person that...

Alan Weiss, Million Dollar Consultant – Meeting Alan is like you meeting one of your heroes. One of the first keynotes I ever watched and studied was Alan’s and I remember saying to myself, “One day I want to be as good as him!” I had the chance to meet him this year and learn from him during the NSA Convention! Biggest thing I took away from him was, “Go for it! You already don’t have the business, the contact, the relationship… so reach out. You can’t go into a meeting and come out worse off than you already are so you better reach out and start growing your business!”

This is the person that...

James C. Humes, Author and Speaker – I was introduced to James by my mentor Randy Harvey who gave me his book “Speak Like Churchill, Stand Like Lincoln” when I was competing for the World Championship. I interviewed James at his house this year and it was the best interview I had! He taught me about the power of speech and why communication is king! #SpeechisPower

This is the person that...

Chris Guillebeau, NYT Best Selling Author – There are a few leaders I like to follow on a regular basis and Chris is one of them. He ads a lot of value to the world, continues to reach new and bigger goals and is a genuine guy filled with a lot of passion! Remember, you become who you surround yourself with, so make sure you have the right people motivating you in your life! 

Continue to meet people in your life who inspire you, who make you stronger, better and more successful! Surround yourself with those people who bring out the best in yourself! I hope you have a great New Year and I am looking forward to seeing what we accomplish together in 2015! As always…

Dream BIG,

Top 10 Articles of 2014

By Motivation One Comment

Thank you to every Todayer who reads, shares and likes articles on! This year, more than 50,000 people visited the site from 100+ countries!

You have consistently inspired me to grow as a leader, become a better writer and to strengthen my abilities as a speaker. If I have helped you do the same with one of my articles this year, then I feel we make a good team!

In celebration and reflection of my 5th year of blogging, here are the top 10 articles of 2014:

#10 – 6 Reminders Why You Should Take a Risk

#9 – How to Get Over The Past and Focus On The Future

#8 – Avoid These 3 Things When Speaking on Stage

#7 – 5 Lessons Learned Being a World Champion

#6 – What Made Maya Angelou Successful?

#5 – What is the Best Investment to Make in Today’s Economy?

#4 – 9 Speaking Tips for Non-Native Speakers

#3 – The Absolute 5 Worst Types of People to Sit Next to on a Plane

#2 – The Pros and Cons of Changing the Name of NSA

#1 – 31 Days of Kindness

I look forward to writing more articles in 2015 and continuing to build a community of Todayers; those who take advantage of today, plan for tomorrow and go after their goals! Happy New Year and thank you again for reading, sharing and leaving your comments along the way! As always…

Dream BIG,


ryan avery giveaway 2014 christmas

GIVEAWAY: Merry Christmas Todayers

By Motivation, Uncategorized 28 Comments

I want to wish all the Todayers out there a Merry Christmas from the Averys! For those Todayers who don’t celebrate Christmas I hope your holiday season has been amazing and you enjoy spending time with your family and friends, eating way too many cookies and watching enough reruns of A Christmas Story to last all year!

December is a month of reflection and opportunity to give thanks for those we care about most! This week we are spending time with our entire family. We haven’t all been together since Chelsea and I married four years ago, so it really means a lot to us!

With that, I have decided to take a week off and spend it with my family! My next article will pick back up on December 29th and we have an awesome schedule or articles already planned for 2015!

As for the GIVEAWAY: I have wrapped a present I want to send to one of you! If you want it, all you have to do is write in the comments below what you are thankful for this year and why! One random winner will be selected by December 29th and the winner will be posted in the comment section. All I ask is if you are selected you are willing to share with the group what was in the box!

Soak up the time with your family and friends this week. I am looking forward to starting a new year with you in a few days! Merry Christmas, Happy Giveaway Day, and as always…

Dream BIG!

What Should I Do Before I Graduate

2 Things Everyone Should Experience Before They Turn 22

By Motivation 4 Comments

I have been getting questions from college students so I thought I would share my opinion on what you should do before you graduate! For those of us over 22, we can share this with our friends, family and neighbors who are asking the question, “What should I do before I graduate?”

My hope for everyone under age 22 is that you get to experience these two things:

1) Travel to another country. Go and see that your way is not the right way; it is just the way that works well for you. The more we travel, the more we get to see how different–but how alike–we all really are. Don’t let the biased media tell you what to believe; feel, taste, smell, see, and hear the attractions rather than merely viewing them through an LCD screen. Travel to another country and see what else is out there. It will open your eyes and keep you curious, connected and grounded with other humans sharing our planet.

2) Do something that makes its own money: Taste what it feels like to make something or provide a service for which people will pay. Do something where you can prove to yourself that no matter what happens in your future you can always do something with your brain that can make you your own money. Who knows? Maybe you will find out you are meant to be an entrepreneur, or that you don’t like it at all! The point is to have a memory when times get tough, that if you made $1 you can make $1,000!

For those of you who are over aged 22: What else would you say is one of the most important things someone should do while they are age 21 or younger? As always…

Dream BIG,

P.S. If you are about to graduate, and reading this article… Congrats! Keep working hard and go after your dreams!

4 Things You Should Know About Your Followers

By Leadership No Comments

One reason I like to blog, speak, and train is because it builds a community around those who have big dreams and want to accomplish them! I like pulling people together to make things happen and to build a team for those who want to work hard toward accomplishing their goals. My community is made of what we call “Todayers!”

Todayer: One who takes advantage of today, plans for tomorrow, and works towards accomplishing a big dream!

In order for you to build a community and understand your followers, there are four things you should know about them at all times:

1) How do they like to digest and view your content? I am a speaker, not a writer. Even so, half of my audience enjoys reading blog posts instead of watching videos. I do record videos, but I also take time to write it out to give people what they want. Just because you like to deliver your information in one format does not mean that is how your audience likes to digest it!

2) What is cohesively holding your community of followers together? What is the one thing that all followers have in common? For Todayers, we all go after BIG dreams. We like to accomplish things and then move on to the next. We like to help others accomplish their dreams, and we like to have fun doing it. Our common thread is accomplishing BIG dreams! What holds your community together?

3) What problems do they face on a regular basis? Todayers can face procrastination, lack of motivation, lack of clarity in goal setting or purpose; my goal is to provide secrets, strategies and insights to keep them motivated to pursue their dreams and to be honest and open about going after mine.

4) What motivates them to share your content and stick around? Do you need giveaways, webinars, and/or consistent content posted weekly? Ask them what motivates them to stick around. I am still working on this as more than 40% of my monthly visitors are new, and out of those almost 30% leave each month. I have to do a better job of finding out what keeps them coming back to me (if you are a regular reader, I would love your insight in the comments below).

Know your followers and give them what they want because most often they are giving you what you want; a voice and opportunity to help change the world! When you are ready to become a Todayer, and join 200+ others, sign up to get articles like this one by filling out your email in the right-hand corner of this page.

We have some fun things coming up in 2015 for all Todayers and we hope you will join us. We are excited to learn about what you want to accomplish! As always…

Dream BIG,

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